Pittsfield State Office Building - Security

Learn about the responsibilities of the Pittsfield State Office Building’s Security Department.

About the Safety, Security, and Parking Department

It is the policy of the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) to provide a safe and secure working environment for employees and visitors to DCAMM facilities, through the prohibition of carriage of weapons or other dangerous items inside these facilities and to screen those entering the facilities to prevent the unauthorized conveyance of dangerous weapons into the facilities.

The Security Department:

  • Manages Building Visitors and Customers
  • Manages security cameras which monitor the building and grounds 24/7.
  • Establishes and implements Security and Safety policies and procedures
  • Provides Emergency Response Planning
  • Manages contracts for Security Services and Security Equipment Maintenance and Repair
  • Provides Photo ID/Access Cards for employees
  • Maintains Key Control
  • Manages building Parking Operations

In addition, all visitors and vendors must stop at the Security Desk located in the main entry of the Pittsfield State Building. Vendors must notify Security of any delivery, also sign in and out at the main entrance Security Desk. Any Contractor services scheduled to come to the building must receive approval from DCAMM prior to any delivery; provide maintenance, installation or services to building. Contractors will also be required to sign in and out at the main entrance Security Desk and may not gain access to User Agency premises unless they are greeted and accompanied by an employee of DCAMM or User Agency.

To contact the Security Department, email them at: security.dcamm@state.ma.us.  For more urgent issues, contact the Security Director at (617) 727-4100.

Contact   for Pittsfield State Office Building - Security

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