Online Form
Translated forms
This form is also available in Portuguese and Spanish.
- TERMO DE DECISÃO SOBRE PEDIDO DE SENTENÇA DE SUCESSÃO e/ou NOMEAÇÃO DE INVENTARIANTE / Decree and Order on Petition for Late and Limited Formal Testacy and/or Appointment (MPC 757)
- DECRETO Y ORDEN DE PETICIÓN DE TESTAMENTO FORMAL y/o NOMBRAMIENTO TARDÍOS Y LIMITADOS (MPC 757) / Decree and Order on Petition for Late and Limited Formal Testacy and/or Appointment (MPC 757)
Additional forms that may be needed
If the decedent died with a will:
- Petition for Late and Limited Formal Testacy and/or Appointment (MPC 161)
- Surviving Spouse, Children, Heirs at Law (MPC 162)
- Devisees (MPC 163)
If the decedent died without a will:
- Petition for Late and Limited Formal Testacy and/or Appointment (MPC 161)
- Surviving Spouse, Children, Heirs at Law (MPC 162)
Additional forms:
- Bond (MPC 801)
- Military Affidavit
- Military Affidavit Instructions for Self-Represented Litigants If you do not have a lawyer and are representing yourself in a case, use these simplified instructions to help you fill out the Military Affidavit form.
- Assent and Waiver of Notice/Renunciation/Nomination/Waiver of Sureties (MPC 455)
- Cause of Death Affidavit (MPC 475), Affidavit of Witness to Will (MPC 480), Affidavit of Domicile (MPC 485)
- Uniform Counsel Certification Form
Alternative form
Most users should use Decree and Order on Petition for Late and Limited Formal Testacy and/or Appointment (MPC 757).
If you need to save a partially filled-out form, you may choose to use the alternative form:
This version of the form allows you to save a partially filled-out form to finish later or for re-use. This form must be downloaded and opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer.
For instructions on how to open, see What to do if you can't open court PDFs.
For more information or assistance
For assistance, please email