• This page, Procedures for Cancellation and Non-Renewal of Motor Vehicle Insurance Policies, is   offered by
  • Division of Insurance

Procedures for Cancellation and Non-Renewal of Motor Vehicle Insurance Policies

211 CMR 97.00

Dockets G2016-13 through G2016-16 (Auto)


Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A and the authority granted to the Commissioner of Insurance (“Commissioner”) under M.G.L. c. 175, a hearing will be held at 11:00 a.m. on July 18, 2016, at the Division of Insurance (“Division”), Hearing Room 1- E, 1000 Washington Street, Boston, Massachusetts.  The purpose of the hearing is to afford all interested persons an opportunity to provide oral and written statements regarding four regulations that are the subject of proposed amendments or rescission.  The docket number assigned to each regulation and a description of the amendments follow.

Docket No. G2016-13

211 CMR 3.00.   Motorcycle Insurance.  The regulation allows insurers to exclude from motor vehicle insurance covering a motorcycle Personal Injury Protection for bodily injury suffered by the operator of the motorcycle or a guest passenger while operating or riding on the motorcycle.  The proposed amendments conform the language in 211 CMR 3.00 to definitions of motorcycle used by the Registry of Motor Vehicles and remove outdated references to the procedure to fix-and-establish motor vehicle insurance rates.        

Docket No. G2016-14

211 CMR 54.00.   Procedure for Surrender and Non-Renewal of Licenses by Insurers Authorized to Write Motor Vehicle Insurance.  The regulation governs the administrative process by which insurers authorized to write motor vehicle insurance may initiate the surrender or nonrenewal of their licenses to write such coverage. The proposed amendments conform the regulatory language to the current language in the Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurers Rules of Operation and remove obsolete references to organizations that no longer exist.   

Docket No G2016-15

211 CMR 92.00.   The Safe Driver Insurance Plan [for 1994].  The regulation was one of many periodically promulgated to implement the Safe Driver Insurance Plan (“SDIP”) that was approved as part of the process to fix-and-establish motor vehicle insurance rates under M.G.L. c. 175, §113B.  In 1996, the Commissioner promulgated 211 CMR 134.00, which replaced all prior regulations relating to the SDIP.  The intent was to rescind 211 CMR 92.00, but no formal rescission occurred.  Rescission at this time removes an obsolete regulation that has not been used for many years. 

Docket No. G2016-16

211 CMR 97.00.   Procedures for Cancellation and Non-Renewal of Motor Vehicle Insurance Policies.  The regulation establishes the procedures that insurance companies, insurance producers and consumers must follow in order to cancel or non-renew motor vehicle insurance policies.  The proposed amendments provide additional protections for motor vehicle insurance policyholders, such as prohibiting non-renewal for any reason prohibited by law.

 The proposed regulations may be inspected in the Division’s offices during normal business hours or viewed on the Division’s website, www.mass.gov/doi. Persons who wish to present unsworn oral or written statements at the July 18, 2016 hearing are asked to submit a notice of intent to comment no later than July 14, 2016.  Other persons who wish to speak will be heard after those who notify the Division in advance. The hearing record will remain open for a week after conclusion of the July 18, 2016 hearing to receive any additional written statements.

All notices and submissions must refer to the Docket Number(s) for the particular regulation(s) that the person intends to address.  Notices and submissions in hard copy may be sent by mail to the Docket Clerk, Hearings and Appeals, Division of Insurance, at the address above or by electronic mail to doidocket.mailbox@state.ma.us.

June 14, 2016

Daniel R. Judson
Commissioner of Insurance

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