Psychologists Board Frequently Asked Questions

Board of Registration of Psychologists

When do I renew my license?

On June 30 of every even-numbered year.

How many continuing education (CE) credits do I need to renew my license?

You must have a total of 20 CE credits completed in the two years preceding your renewal date.

What kind of CE programs are accepted by the Board?

Only programs that are offered through APA-approved sponsors are accepted.  The Board does not independently review or approve any CE programs.  A licensee may also earn 10 CE credits if the licensee is a first or second author of an article that is published in a peer-reviewed journal for the licensing cycle during which the article is published.

If I teach a CE program, can I get credit for it?

No, teaching is not one of the accepted categories.

Are Home Study CE programs accepted?

Yes, provided they are offered through APA-approved sponsors.

If I am a newly licensed psychologist, do I need the full 20 CE credits to renew?

No. CE requirements are prorated according to how long you have been licensed. For example, if you were licensed for only one year of the two-year renewal cycle, you would need to document only 10 CE credits. Please note that credits obtained from the study course for the EPPP exam are not acceptable, as the Board accepts only CE credits earned after your date of initial licensure.

Does Massachusetts have licensure reciprocity with other states?

No.  Massachusetts will accept a passing score on the EPPP exam.  Applicants must submit a complete Massachusetts application, documenting education and supervised experience.  If approved, you would need to take and pass the Jurisprudence examination. 

Does Massachusetts utilize reciprocity mechanisms such as the National Register?

The Board does have some degree of reciprocity for those licensed 5 or more years and listed in the National Register of Health Psychologists.  The National Register must submit an official letter of Certification to the Board office.  The applicant can then omit all Supervisor Forms and the Internship Director Form from the application.  An official EPPP score report from the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) is required, as well as letters of verification from any state in which the applicant has held a professional license. 

How can I obtain an application and exam information?

Application materials can be downloaded from the Board’s website.  Information about the EPPP exam is available from ASPPB:

How often is the National Exam (EPPP) given?

It is given daily.

What is the cut off score on the EPPP exam in Massachusetts?

For the computerized version, the passing score is 500.

If I don’t pass the EPPP or the Jurisprudence examination, how quickly can I re-take each exam?

There is a mandatory 90-day waiting period between exam administrations.

Does Massachusetts require a year of post-doctoral experience?

No.  By a statutory change in December 2012, the post-doctoral requirement was eliminated.  The Board requires 3200 hours of qualifying supervised experience.  At least one year of this must meet all the requirements for a "health service training program" (that is, an internship).  A year is defined as no less than 43 weeks/10 months.  The other 1600 hours (minimum of 43 weeks) can be met through post-internship hours and/or advanced practicum hours that meet the Board’s regulatory requirements.

If my psychology degree is from a school outside the United States, is there a different procedure for applying for licensure as a psychologist?

Yes, your education must be evaluated for equivalency and you must obtain qualifying experience in the United States.  Please contact the Board for more information.

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