Public access to Land Court proceedings and events by public access telephone line

Unless otherwise noted on the Land Court’s Daily List of events, public access to Land Court proceedings and events is available, in real time, via audio listen-in by calling the below Public Access Telephone Lines. If a Land Court event will be made available to the public in some other way (e.g. video livestreaming, in person), that information will be noted on the Daily List of events.

Table of Contents

How to listen to a Land Court event

To listen to a Land Court event via a Public Access Telephone Line, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the Judge to whom the case is assigned (or the Recorder for the Tax Session) on the Land Court’s Daily List Report published on the court’s website (see below). 
Land Court public access screenshot
  1. Dial-in to that Judge’s session or the Recorder’s Tax Session via the Public Access Telephone Lines (phone numbers listed below) on the date and time of the event. 
  2. When prompted, enter the Participant Passcode, including the # symbol on your telephone. 
  3. You will be connected to the audio for the event once the event begins. The call will be in “silent-mode,” so you may listen, but will not be heard by the participants or the court during the event. 

Please note that you are prohibited from making any unauthorized recording of the court event. 

The Public Access Telephone Lines have a maximum capacity of 50 callers and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If you have difficulty accessing the Public Access Telephone Lines for a Land Court event, you may contact the Recorder’s Office at (617) 788-7470.

Public access telephone lines

JusticePhoneParticipant Passcode
Chief Justice Gordon Piper1 (866) 817-6538335 1885 #
Justice Howard P. Speicher1 (866) 581‐3309963 1980 #
Justice Kevin T. Smith1 (866) 731‐3638723 6609 #
Justice Michael D. Vhay1 (866) 703‐9779986 4712 #
Justice Diane R. Rubin1 (877) 953‐0264567 8589 #
Justice Robert B. Foster1 (866) 723‐4064426 2428 #
Justice Lauren E. Reznick1 (877) 491-4196158 0350 #
Recorder Deborah J. Patterson, Tax Session1 (866) 805-3374398 3511 #

Contact   for Public access to Land Court proceedings and events by public access telephone line


3 Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108
Date published: July 20, 2020

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