Questions about policy changes
When do I have to create an apprentice intake policy?
All sponsors with over 5 active apprentices should already have a written intake policy. All others may use the template on the webpage or create their own when they hire their next apprentice. Until that time you may wait until your field representative conducts their next visit and they will assist you in creating a policy.
Do I have to use the form in the back of the handbook for recordkeeping?
No. This again is only a template; if you already have a means of documenting the apprentices' progress you may continue to use that method.
Do I have to supply all apprentices with a handbook?
If I don't have access to the internet how do I get a copy?
Contact the office at (617) 626-5409 and we will mail you a copy.
Where do I find the S.I.C. and S.O.C. codes that you are requesting on the contact sheet?
Access the links below to find your code or look for your codes on your unemployment reporting forms.
View S.O.C. Codes.
View S.I.C. Codes.
Do I have to initial all lines when I have multiple apprentice agreements?
Yes, an initial stamp may be utilized if desired.
Why do I need to supply my email address?
The Division is planning to inform all sponsors of policy and procedure changes through the email and website system and is in the process of collecting this information. Also, most businesses use email on a daily basis for communication, the Division will be using this method in the future.
How do I get professional monitoring for my distance correspondence courses approved?
All Career Centers may conduct this service with the Divisions' approval. Also, any program or educational institution that is approved by Department of Education to conduct correspondence courses will be approved by the Division.