Refugee Case Management and Wilson-Fish


Refugee Case Management Services provided by bilingual/bicultural case managers include the following:

  • assessment of client basic needs and referral of clients to employment services and other critical support services
  • assisting clients to overcome all employment barriers, including the provision of Intensive Refugee Case Management Services to refugees with multiple barriers to employment
  • monitoring progress toward early employment and economic self-sufficiency
  • administration of Refugee Cash Assistance benefits
  • administration of Early Employment/Retention Bonus and other cash supports, as determined

The Wilson-Fish (WF) program is an alternative to traditional state administered refugee resettlement programs for providing assistance (cash and medical) and social services to refugees.

The purposes of the WF program are to:

  • Increase refugee prospects for early employment and self-sufficiency
  • Promote coordination among voluntary resettlement agencies and service providers
  • Ensure that refugee assistance programs exist in every state where refugees are resettled

The WF program emphasizes early employment and economic self-sufficiency by integrating cash assistance, case management, and employment services and by incorporating innovative strategies for the provision of cash assistance.

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