Reports and Investor Resources

Historical information that may be of interest to underwriters and owners of bonds issued by the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust is set forth in the documents which are accessible from this page. Please see disclaimer at the bottom of this page.

Table of Contents

Approved Finance Team Members

The firms on the page linked below have been pre-qualified and approved by the State Treasurer's Office or the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust to provide professional services to the Trust regarding bond sales or its borrowing programs. Each firm was selected via a competitive Request for Qualifications (RFQ).

Approved Finance Team Members

Bond Issuance Documents by Series


Sources and Use Schedules

Contact   for Reports and Investor Resources

Information on this website has been included for general informational purposes only. The information set forth is limited in scope and does not contain all material information concerning the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust's bonds or the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust necessary to make an informed investment decision, nor does anything contained on this website constitute an offer to sell securities or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities. No person should make an investment decision in reliance on the information contained herein. Information, including any documents, contained on this website speaks only as of its date and have not been updated since such date. The Trust is under no obligation to update such information except as set forth in its continuing disclosure agreement. Past results do not necessarily forecast future results.   Certain financial information and operating data, as well as information regarding certain material developments with respect to the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust and its securities, may be filed with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA).

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