Rights of Way Sensitive Area Materials List

List of Approved Herbicide Active Ingredients and Products


Active Ingredient
Use Restrictions
Product Names (EPA #)
Aminopyralid   Milestone (62719-519) (Product Review )
Opensight (62719-597) (Product Review )
Corteva Agriscience LLC’
Fosamine Ammonium
Lowest Labeled Rate*
Krenite S (42750-247)
Albaugh, Inc.
Lowest Labeled Rate for all Glyphosate products

Ranger Pro Herbicide (524-517)

Round Up Pro (524-475)
Bayer Cropscience LP

Glyphomax Plus (62719-322)
Corteva Agriscience LLC

Corteva Agriscience LLC

  Aquaneat Aquatic Herbicide (228-365)
Nu Farm Americas
  While Rodeo, and Aquaneat all have aquatic uses, approval for their use as sensitive materials does NOT mean that they can be used for aquatic weed control, or directly applied to water, as part of a rights of way management program. Products are subject to the no-spray and limited spray provisions of 333 CMR 11.04.  

Esplanade 200 SC (432-1516) (Product Review)
Bayer Environmental Sciences

Metsulfuron Methyl
Lowest Labeled Rate for all Metsulfuron Methyl Products*

Escort XP (432-1549)
Bayer CropScience

Patriot Selective Herbicide, (228-391) 
Nu Farm Americas
Sulfometuron Methyl
Lowest Labeled Rate for all Sulfometuron Methyl Products*

Oust XP (432-1552) 
Bayer CropScience

Spyder Selective Herbicide (228-408) 
Nu Farm Americas
Metsulfuron Methyl 
 Sulfometuron Methyl
Lowest Labeled Rate*

Oust Extra (432-1557)
Bayer Environmental Science

3 pints/acre every 3rd year OR
2 pints/acre every other year
for all Imazapyr Products
Arsenal (241-346) 
Arsenal Powerline (241-431)
Polaris AC Complete Herbicide (228-570) (Product Review )
Polaris Herbicide (228-534) 
Nu Farm Americas

Triclopyr, Butoxy Ethyl Ester 
The lowest of the following rates:

1. Between 10 feet and 50 feet of the resource: Lowest labeled rate* or  0.5 pints per acre
2. Between 50 feet and the boundary of the limited spray zone: Lowest labeled rate* or 3 pints per acre

Garlon 4 (62719-40)
Corteva Agriscience LLC

Garlon 4 Ultra (62719-527) 
Corteva Agriscience LLC

Lowest Labeled Rate*
Cambistat (74779-3) 
Rainbow Tree care

Lowest labeled rate the minimum labeled rate of the pesticide product for the
appropriate site, pest and application method

The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) makes no endorsement of any companies, organizations, persons, products, trade or brand names referenced in this Rights of Way Sensitive Area Materials List (“the list”). Active Ingredients on the list are reviewed pursuant to a Cooperative Agreement between MDAR and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Only environmental fate and toxicological data, including eco-toxicological data, are reviewed when evaluating an active ingredients suitability for inclusion on the list. Inclusion on the list does not represent any endorsement by MDAR as to the efficacy of the active ingredient for rights-of-way vegetation management.

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