PLEASE NOTE: This program is not currently accepting applications for funding.
The Office of Grants and Research (OGR), in partnership with the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), will make available $2,910,000 for school districts, educational collaboratives and charter schools to apply for one-time funding to enhance security for the safety of students and staff. Priority will be given to applicants demonstrating the greatest need, proposing cost-effective solutions to addressing high-priority gaps or weaknesses and who have not received state or federal funding in the past five (5) years for this purpose. Please note, previous awardees are eligible and encouraged to apply but preference will be given to new applicants. Consideration will also be given to schools that are taking meaningful steps to establish a safer and more supportive school climate in order to reduce instances of violence.
A school district, educational collaborative or charter school that certifies it has a Multi-Hazard School Emergency Evacuation and Response Plan already in place, is eligible to apply.
The School Superintendent, Educational Collaborative or Charter School Executive Director seeking a grant award must sign the application being submitted. Only one (1) application per school district and one (1) application per charter school is permitted for consideration of funding.
FFY23 Key Dates and Materials
Key Dates:
AGF Posted: January 20, 2023
Applications Due: February 17, 2023 by 4:00 pm.
Anticipated Award Announcements: March 2023
Anticipated Grant Period: April 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024
Application Materials:
FY23 Safer Schools Application (Attachment A)
FY23 Safer Schools Budget Workbook (Attachment B)
Authorized Signatory Form (Attachment C)
ICIP Instructions and Forms (Attachment D)
Memorandum of Understanding or Letter of Support on department letterhead (Attachment E) - Please note that there is not a template for this required item.