School Health Services Vision, Mission and Value Statements

About the role of School Health Services in Massachusetts


Massachusetts Department of Public Health School Health Services Program supports the Massachusetts school health workforce, students, and their families, with attention on populations disproportionally impacted by health inequities. This is achieved by supporting efforts to diversify the school health workforce, and by providing comprehensive training, grant funding, and clinical consultation to both public school districts and non-public schools.


The Massachusetts Department of Public Health School Health Services envisions a Commonwealth where all students can attend school with equitable opportunities to access their educational experience, and where racism and other forms of oppression are no longer determinants of health. 

In keeping with its mission and vision, School Health Services is committed to supporting public school districts and nonpublic schools in providing all school-age children with access to a school health service program that is:

  • Community-based
  • Integrated within and supportive of the educational system
  • Managed by a qualified nursing leader who is integrated into the school administrative structure as part of the management team
  • Advised by a school and community group, including parents and students
  • Based on accepted standards, regulations and statutes
  • Supported by a health service management information system
  • Offering a range of prevention and treatment services, including tobacco control
  • Implemented by sufficient numbers of qualified school nurses and support personnel during the entire school day
  • Culturally competent and linguistically relevant
  • Coordinated with the eight components of a comprehensive school health program, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: health education, health services, social and physical environment, physical education, guidance and support services, food service, school and work-site health promotion, and integrated school and community health promotion
  • Linked with community primary care, mental health and dental health providers, local youth and family serving agencies, local and state public health and emergency providers, and public insurance outreach programs
  • Making maximum use of available public and non-public funds, e.g., Municipal Medicaid, grants, insurance reimbursement, business partnerships, Foundation Budget, Community Benefits Program
  • Evaluated regularly to determine its effectiveness and efficiency








Joyful Belonging

Making a Difference

Center solutions on the systems that cause unjust outcomes. Support school environments to be inclusive and affirming, ensuring students feel accepted for who they are and that their providers meet them as they are.

Sharing decision making by leveraging the knowledge of internal and external partners.  Build trust by developing solutions with, not for, communities.

Supporting each other as people, and in the work, to achieve our shared mission.

Build trust through responsible actions, doing what is right even when it is challenging, and owning up to shortcomings.

Treat everyone with respect and compassion.  Place value on listening and building trust.

Fulfill our commitments to school communities, partners, and team members.

Value all lived experience and make space for staff and partners to show up as their authentic selves and find joy together in the work.

Use data and storytelling to identify underserved populations, monitor trends, inform decisions, measure the impact of programming, and share out what is learned.

Contact   for School Health Services Vision, Mission and Value Statements


Director of School Health

Assistant Director of School Health

Public Health Nurse Advisor for Non Public Schools

Medication Administration Program Nursing Advisor

School Health Services Operations Coordinator



Massachusetts Department of Public Health
250 Washington St., 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02108

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