State Planning and Research (SPR) Work Program

The Annual Budget for MassDOT’s Federally-Funded Planning and Research Activities

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) State Planning and Research (SPR) Work Program supports planning work and research studies across MassDOT using funding provided by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The work program includes a summary of SPR-funded tasks to be completed within the current federal fiscal year, a description of the work to be accomplished, cost estimates and anticipated products for each task, office responsible for completing the task, and a financial summary. The MassDOT SPR Work Program is broken up into two overarching areas: SPR I, which supports planning activities, and SPR II, which supports research activities.


SPR I covers planning activities and is divided into two sections: Section A funds activities within the Office of Transportation Planning and Section B funds activities within MassDOT’s Highway Division.

2025 SPR Work Program I

SPR IA: MassDOT Office of Transportation Planning

Section A of SPR I funds planning work performed by staff within MassDOT’s Office of Transportation Planning (OTP), equipment and software purchases, and consultant-supported planning work.

SPR IB: MassDOT Highway Division

Section B of SPR I funds planning and other work performed by staff within MassDOT’s Highway Division, as well as equipment and software purchases, and consultant-supported studies.


SPR II supports activities performed by the Research Section within MassDOT’s Office of Transportation Planning (OTP), as well as research supported by university researchers and consultants.

2025 SPR Work Program II

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