State-specific Discharge Reporting
Regular filing of monitoring reports is a required element of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.
- NPDES Surface Water Discharge Monthly Operation Report
State-specific discharge spreadsheet: MS Excel template for NPDES Discharge reporting. Revised February 2015.
Surface Water Discharge General Permits
For the most part, general permits are administered by EPA, require submission of a Notice of Intent (NOI) to EPA, and do not require an application to MassDEP. However, there are some circumstances that require submittal to both MassDEP and EPA. The following situations require applicants to submit a MassDEP transmittal form, a copy of the EPA’s NOI, payment (unless exempt), and any other required submittals to MassDEP:
- Construction General Permit (CGP) with discharge to Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW);
- Massachusetts Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) Permit;
- Publicly Owned Treatment Works General Permit (POTW GP);
- Potable Water Treatment Facilities General Permit (PWTF GP) for first time applicants that also discharge to an ORW and High Quality Waters;
- Remediation General Permit (RGP) discharges from non-MCP sites;
- Hydroelectric Generating Facilities General Permit (Hydro GP) with discharge to ORW waters.
Additional Resources
Surface Water Discharge Individual Permits
Individual permits are those not covered under a General Permit, for both industrial and non-industrial discharges.
Additional Resources
NPDES Authorization
MassDEP is currently not authorized by US EPA to administer the NPDES program. MassDEP has taken some initial steps to explore the possibility of obtaining authorization in the future.
Additional Resources
NPDES Regulations
- 257 CMR 2.00: Certification of Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators
The process for evaluation and certification of wastewater-treatment-facility operators.
- 314 CMR 2.00: Permit Procedures for Surface Water Discharge Permits (314 CMR 3.00), Groundwater Discharge Permits (314 CMR 5.00), Sewer Extension & Connection Permits (314 CMR 7.00), & Reclaimed Water Permits (314 CMR 20)
Procedures for applying for surface water and groundwater discharge permits, sewer permits, and reclaimed-water-use permits.
- 314 CMR 3.00: Surface Water Discharge Permit Program
Regulates surface water discharges in Massachusetts waters under the provisions of state and federal clean-water legislation.
- 314 CMR 4.00: Massachusetts Surface Water Quality Standards
Identifying and ensuring minimum standards for surface water quality in Massachusetts, in accordance with the Federal Clean Water Act.
- 314 CMR 9.00: 401 Water Quality Certifications
Ensuring that dredging operations and material comply with the requirements of the Massachusetts Surface Water Quality Standards and the federal Clean Water Act.
- 314 CMR 12.00: Operation & Maintenance & Pretreatment Standards for Wastewater Treatment Works and Indirect Dischargers
Establishes standards and pretreatment requirements to insure the proper operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment works. April 2014
- 310 CMR 44.00: The Clean Water State Revolving Fund
MassDEP approval of projects funded through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund.