Take the Community Health Equity Survey in ASL

Want to tell MA-DPH how to better meet the health needs of your community?  

Table of Contents

All survey responses are anonymous and cannot be traced back to you.   

Note: If you have already completed the 2023 Community Health Equity Survey in a different language, you do not need to take the survey again. Your responses are already included! The non-ASL versions of the survey are now closed. 

Tips for Taking the ASL Community Health Equity Survey  

  1. Device Choice: You can take this survey on a phone, tablet, or computer. For the best experience, we suggest using a phone or tablet to easily view videos and response options at the same time  
  1. Text size: You can change the survey text size using the “Options” button and then scrolling down to “Adjust Text Size”. If you need to make the text bigger or smaller, we suggest changing the text size only once. Changing back and forth between sizes may cause formatting issues. 
  1. Selecting a Signer: The survey will prompt you to choose a signer more than once. There is only one signer for this survey. Click on the video that appears and then click "Select this signer" to continue. 
  1. Playing Videos: Each page has one survey question. The question and response option videos will automatically play in the order presented in the text. To re-play or skip to a specific video, click the video icon next to the associated question or response.  

Note: Clicking on or around the video icon will automatically select the associated response option. Uncheck the response or click ‘Reset’ if you did not intend to select this response. 

  1. Video Speed: Change the speed at which a video plays by clicking on the “Settings” icon in the YouTube video player. Click ‘Playback speed”, and then scroll to select a slower or faster speed. Changing the speed of one video will cause all following videos to automatically play at this adjusted speed. You can readjust the speed for each video if needed. 
  1. Video numbers: The videos in the survey are labeled with different numbers (for example, Q159). These numbers are not always chronological and should be ignored. They are labeled this way for the survey developers’ internal use. 
  2. Survey Administration Using Shared Devices: Organizations using a shared tablet, phone, or computer to administer the survey to multiple respondents may need to clear the browser cache between users to prevent or correct formatting issues. 

Contact   for Take the Community Health Equity Survey in ASL

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