About the Tenant Lead Law Notification
Under Massachusetts and federal law, owners must comply with Tenant Notification requirements when a prospective tenant is about to rent a home built before 1978. This applies whether they have a child under 6 or not. The aim of this requirement is to inform tenants about:
- The danger lead paint poses to children and adults
- Lead poisoning prevention steps
- The requirements of the Lead Law
What owners need to do
To comply with both the state and federal Tenant Notification requirements, the owner must supply the prospective tenant the following documents before entering a rental agreement:
- Two copies of the Tenant Notification and Tenant Certification Form (one for the owner to keep and one for the tenant to keep)
- A copy of the most recent lead inspection or risk assessment report for the rental unit, if one exists
- A copy of any Letter of Compliance or Letter of Interim Control for the rental unit, if it exists
- Owners and tenants can check our Lead Safe Homes database to see if there is prior inspection history.
The tenant and owner must each keep a completed and signed Tenant Certification Form, which certifies that the tenant has received the information.
Additional Resources
Open PDF file, 33.93 KB, Tenant Lead Law Notification Form (PDF 33.93 KB)
Failure to comply with the notification
Owners who fail to comply with Tenant Lead Paint Notification requirements are subject to civil penalty under Massachusetts law, and both civil and criminal penalties under federal law.