The Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) FY17 data-driven performance

Learn how EOPSS uses data to improve your experience with state government.

The Baker-Polito administration is working hard to improve your experience with state government. To that end, EOPSS has been asked to identify our critical constituent-facing services and to track our ongoing efforts to improve their delivery. By selecting key metrics and measuring performance against annual targets, our goal is to provide you with the resources you need as simply, efficiently, and transparently as possible.

You can find out which metrics our agencies are tracking and how they're performing on this page.

EOPSS' Fiscal Year 2017 performance

State 911 Department (E911)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Performance
Grant reimbursements for FY14 and FY15 (This measure tracks the timeframe for reducing the backlog of grant reimbursements for FY14 and FY15) To close out the backlog of grant reimbursements for FY14 and FY15 by the end of CY2016. All grant reimbursements for FY14 have been paid. The support and incentive grant reimbursements for FY15 have been paid. Some training grant reimbursements remain that will be paid by June 30, 2017. On track for completion. 
Number for Regional PSAPs in the Commonwealth To increase the number of regional PSAPs in the Commonwealth to 28 by the end of CY2016. There were 22 as of March 1, 2016. The State 911 Department has increased the number of regional PSAPs to 25 as of December 31, 2016. 3 PSAPs short of the CY2016 goal.
Number of PSAPs where wireless 911 calls are answered directly by either primary or regional PSAPs To increase the number of PSAPs where wireless 911 calls are answered directly to 10 by the end of CY2016 (currently there are 2 PSAPs that answer wireless 911 calls directly). To date, the State 911 Department has not increased the number of PSAPs answering wireless 911 calls directly. This project is still a work in progress.
Timeframe for grant reimbursements for FY16 To reimburse PSAPs within 30 days of the receipt of the reimbursement request for FY16. All grant reimbursements for FY16 have been paid, conforming to the 30 day timeframe for reimbursement. 

Executive Office of Public Safety and Security Information and Technology

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Performance
Timely response to business requests for new services or features Improve response from current time of 180 days to 90 days to respond to business requests for new services or features. This metric has been met. Time has reduced this to 75 days.
Ensure the availability of processing capabilities Infrastructure and applications available 99.99% during peak business hours and no less than 98% time during non-peak business hours (inclusive of scheduled down time for maintenance). This metric is being met at 99.99% for peak hours and 98% for off-hours.

Office of Grants and Research (OGR)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Performance
Increase site visits with grant recipients Increase by 10% across all OGR divisions. OGR is on track to meet this FY17 target.
Outside grant opportunities Identify at least one outside grant opportunity and create an action plan for securing the grant for the Commonwealth. OGR has met this target and will exceed it by the end of FY17.

Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Performance
Turnaround time for completion of death certificates and autopsy reports 90% completed in 90 days for CY2016. Fell short of 90% goal for each category: 81% of death certificates and 72% of autopsy reports completed in 90 days
Backlog in death certificates and autopsy reports for CY2011 through CY2015 Reduce the backlog in both categories by 50% by the end of CY2016. Met metric for reduction in backlog of death certificates (64% reduction), but did not meet metric for autopsy reports (reduced by 32%).

MA State Police Crime Lab (MSPCL)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Performance
Post-mortem toxicology testing for the OCME Analytical reports issued to OCME within 30 calendar days for 90% of case submission. As of February 22, 2017, 73% of the analytical reports were issued to the OCME within 30 calendar days from submission to the laboratory. Lab is on track to meet 90% by the end of FY2017.
Biological screening of reported sexual assault cases 80% within 90 days, 100% within 120. During the reporting timeframe, the Crime Laboratory received 826 reported sexual assault cases. 65% of these reported sexual assault cases were screened within 90 days. 85% were screened within 120 days. The lab will not meet this metric for FY2017.
Backlog of drug identification cases Decrease backlog by 20%. The Crime Lab's goal to reduce its drug identification backlog has not been achieved; the backlog has increased 18.4% from 21,148 cases in 2015 to 25,050 cases in 2016. The increase results from a higher than expected in monthly drug identification case submissions.

Department of Criminal Justice Information Services (DCJIS) 

DY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Performance
Reduce the average number of days to print a firearms license From 10 business days to 8 business days The average time increased to 12.5 business days. DCJIS did not meet this metric.
Screen 80% of CORI records in the iCORI Record Screening queue within 2 business days As of March 1, 2016, approximately 70% were screened within 3 business days. DCJIS met this metric at 80%.
Respond to 80% of microfilm record requests within 4 business days. As of March 1, 2016, 70% of requests were responded to within 5 business days. DCJIS has met this metric of 80%.

Department of Fire Services (DFS)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Performance
Number of students completing courses delivered by the Massachusetts Fire Academy Increase by 5% over FY17. Current FY is showing an increase of 45% based on numbers from this time last FY which is 40% above the targeted goal.
Hazardous Materials Team response times Decrease response time in CY2016 from CY2015. The response time to hazmat incidents was reduced by 1.45 minutes from CY2015 to CY2016.
Boiler & Pressure Vessel Certificate Compliance Rate (Previously DPS) Increase the compliance rate of all BPV certificates to 80%. Met target. BPV Certificate Compliance Rate 80%.
Fire Safety Division field engineer construction site visits Increase by 25% over FY17. Current FY is showing an increase of 42% based on numbers from this time last FY which is 17% above the targeted goal.

Department of Correction (DOC)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Performance
Increase in the percentage of releases to the street that were eligible for substance abuse programming that participated and/or completed the Correctional Recovery Academy (CRA) prior to release From 46% to 70% for FY17 From 59% to 70% for FY17 Previously: From 46% to 70% for FY16 Update Percentage increase is 28%
Increase the percentage of inmates released to the street with verified Mass Health coverage From 72% to 80% for FY17 From 85% to 88% for FY17 Previously: From 72% to 80% for FY16 Update: Percentage increase is 18%
Increase the percentage of eligible inmates that participate in Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) prior to release From 7% to 10% for FY17 From 10% to 15% for FY17 Previously: From 7% to 10% for FY16 Update: Percentage increase is 43%

Department of Public Safety (DPS)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Performance
Elevator certificate compliance rate Increase compliance rate for elevator certificates to 85% Exceeded target. Elevator certificate compliance rate is 94%.
License production time Process 100% of all renewal applications within 5 business days of receipt. Exceeded target. Renewal applications are processed within 2 business days of receipt.
Building Certificate Compliance rate Increase the compliance rate for building certificates to 90%. Achieved just over 90% according to year-end statistics in the Benchmark Report (93.45% for Privately Owned Locations and 87.2% for State Owned Facilities).
Boiler & Pressure Vessel Certificate Compliance Rate Increase the compliance rate of all BPV Certificates to 80%.  Met target. BPV Certificate Compliance Rate 80%.

Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Performance
Increase the number of residents and public safety partners who receive MEMA's situational awareness statements, emergency information/alerts, and preparedness messages Increase 10% over CY2016 During CY2016, we increased the number of residents and public safety partners who receive our situational awareness statements and emergency information/alerts by 39%.
Increase the number of MEMA's disaster preparedness and informational communications to the public and stakeholders MEMA does not have baseline statistic. Accordingly, will develop during CY2016 and look to increase the number the number by 10% in 2017. IN CY2016, MEMA shared 549 disaster preparedness communications with the public.

Massachusetts National Guard (MANG)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Performance
90% ready and resilient available Army and Air National Guard force to respond to the Governor's call for domestic operations in a state active duty status and achieved through personnel readiness, recruiting, retention, education, training, and force composition capabilities 90% end strength objective each FY based upon National Guard Bureau metrics such as medical, duty qualification, and training evaluation. Met target at 90% for FY17.

Municipal Police Training Committee (MPTC)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Performance
Recruit police officers graduating with cumulative test scores of 90% or higher 70% or more students officers achieving an overall score of 90% or higher during their recruit (new officer) training. 86% student officers achieved an overall score of 90% or higher during their recruit (new officer) training.
Number of police officers attending in-service training who rate the training 4 or above on a 5-point scale 100% of veteran (incumbent) police officers who rate their mandatory in-service training as 4 or above. 92% of veteran (incumbent) police officers rated their mandatory in-service training as 4 or above.

Massachusetts Parole Board (PAR)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Performance
Decrease the percentage of inmates waiving or postponing their parole hearing Goal is to reduce the number below 50% for House of Correction (HOC) and 40% in Department of Correction (DOC). DOC = 42.6% and HOC = 52.8%

Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB)

FY17 Metric FY17 Target FY17 Performance
Increase the number of Informational Sharing Agreements with other agencies From 5 to 12. As of February 8, 2017, we have entered into 5 more Information Sharing Agreements with other state agencies in addition to the 5 previously existing agreements.
Increase number of classification hearings conducted on a yearly basis From approximately 430 to 720 hearings. SORB conducted 383 of targeted 720 hearings to date (February 8, 2017). Given shifting priorities during FY17, we are adjusting our target to 585 hearings.
Reduce duration of time from classification hearing to decision publication From more than 60 days to 45-60 days. Current average number of days from classification hearing to decision publication is 66 days. Strategic plan is to reach 45-60 days goal by end of FY17.

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