The Baker-Polito administration is working hard to improve your experience with state government. To that end, EOPSS has been asked to identify our critical constituent-facing services and to track our ongoing efforts to improve their delivery. By selecting key metrics and measuring performance against annual targets, our goal is to provide you with the resources you need as simply, efficiently, and transparently as possible.
You can find out which metrics our agencies are tracking and how they're performing on this page.
EOPSS' Fiscal Year 2019 performance
State 911 Department (E911)
FY19 Metric | FY19 Target | FY 19 Performance |
Number of Regional PSAP | To increase the number of regional PSAPs in the Commonwealth to 30 by the end of FY19 (currently there are 25 regional PSAPs). | As of December 31, 2018, there remains 25 regional PSAPs. |
Wireless 911 Direct | To increase the number of PSAPs where wireless 911 calls are answered directly to 65 by the end of FY19 (currently there are 21 PSAPs that can answer wireless 911 calls directly). | As of December 31, 2018, 200 PSAPs answer wireless calls directly. |
Timeframe for Grant Reimbursements | To reimburse PSAPs within 30 days of the receipt of the reimbursement request for FY19. | The department maintained this 30 day reimbursement metric. |
Total number of PSAPs in the Commonwealth | The target for the total number of PSAPs remains 230 for FY19. | As of December 31, 2018, there was 232 PSAPs. |
Executive Office of Public Safety and Security Information and Technology
FY19 Metric | FY19 Target | FY19 Performance |
Timely response to business requests for new services or features | Improve response time from 60 days to 30 days for business requests for IT new services or application features. | Achieved target of 30 days for response to business requests for new IT services. |
Ensure the availability of processing capabilities | To maintain infrastructure and applications available 99.99% during peak business hours and improve to no less than 98.5% time during non-peak business hours (inclusive of scheduled down time for maintenance). | Achieved targets of 99.99% and 95.5% |
Office of Grants and Research (OGR)
FY19 Metric | FY19 Target | FY19 Performance |
Increase community outreach | To maintain 15% field site visits/meeting/events with grant receipts and stakeholders. | We have exceeded our target in 6 months hitting 16% site visits/meetings/events with grant recipients and stakeholders. |
New public safety related grant opportunities | Apply for 2 new public safety grant opportunities in FY19. | No answer as yet as federal opportunities are released in March. We will be on track once we apply. |
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME)
FY19 Metric | FY19 Target | FY19 Performance |
Turnaround time for completion of death certificates and autopsy reports | 90% of death certificates and autopsy reports completed in 90 days for CY2017. | OCME completed 90% of post-mortem examinations in 90 days and was granted full accreditation by the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME), effective December 16, 2017 through December 16, 2021. During 2018, the autopsy report completion rate had fallen slightly to 85.4% while the external examinations had a completion rate of 97.3%. |
Backlog in both death certificates and autopsy reports for calendar years 2011 through 2016 | Reduce backlog in both categories by 50% | Current leadership identified an active backlog of 1,612 unfinished cases (autopsy reports plus external examinations) from 2012-2017, accounting for 4.8% of the 33,665 cases accepted during this time. The autopsy report backlog has been reduced by 26% (373 of the 1,400 unfinished autopsy reports have been completed) and 27.4% (58 of the 212 unfinished external examinations have been completed). Cases from 2011 have been identified and will be addressed on a as needed basis. |
MA State Police Crime Lab (MSPCL)
FY19 Metrics | FY19 Target | FY19 Performance |
Post-mortem toxicology testing for the OCME | 90% of toxicology examinations shall be completed within 90 calendar days. | The crime laboratory had only one case with turnaround time greater than 90 days. |
Biological screening of reported sexual assault cases | Target of screening of 80% of submitted reported sexual assault kits within 90 days, 100% within 120 days. In order to facilitate timely receipt of necessary information from external agencies, the laboratory has dedicated specific administrative resources in the Case Management Unit to this task. | The crime laboratory was able to screen 60% of the submitted reported sexual assaults within 90 days and 91% within 120 days. |
Backlog of Drug Identification Cases | In 2018, the laboratory will continue backlog reduction initiatives to return any unanalyzed cases currently identified with no disposition status. If effective, this initiative could result in the closure of approximately 4,000 cases. | The laboratory returned approximately 12,000 unanalyzed drug cases in 2018. |
Department of Criminal Justice Information Services (DCJIS)
FY19 Metric | FY19 Target | FY19 Performance |
Average number of business days needed, on a statewide basis, to issue a resident firearms license | Reduce the statewide average number of business days needed to issue a resident firearms licenses by a minimum of 5 business days from the current average of 65 days as of January 31, 2018. | As of December 31, 2018, the average number of business days needed, on a statewide basis, to issue a firearms license was 79 days. |
Screen CORI records in the iCORI Record Screening queue within 2 business days | Increase screening to 92% of CORI records in the iCORI Record Screening queue within 2 business days. Currently screening 90% as of January 31, 2018. | As of December 31, 2018, 93% of records in the iCORI Record Screening queue are screened within 2 business days. Additionally, 70% of the records are screened within the same business day. |
Respond to microfilm record requests within 4 business days | Increase response to 88% of microfilm record requests within 4 business days. Currently at 85% as of January 31, 2018. | As of December 31, 2018, 905 of microfilm requests are processed within 4 business days and 65% are processed within 1 business day. |
Process Background Record Check (BRC) requests from state agencies within 24 hours | Increase response to 75% of BRC requests within 24 hours. Currently 65% as of January 31, 2018. | As of December 31, 2018, DCJIS has met and exceeded our 2018 goal of processing 75% of BRC requests within 24 hours. 80% of all requests are now being processed within 24 hours. |
Department of Fire Services (DFS)
FY19 Metric | FY19 Target | FY19 Performance |
Number of students completing courses delivered by the Massachusetts Fire Academy | Increase the number of students completing courses delivered by the Massachusetts Fire Academy by an additional 5%. | As of December 31, 2018, we're running on pace with the number of students that have completed courses for FY18, with only a difference of 13 students. Currently, we're on track to reach our 5% increase to the number of students completing courses based on the number of courses scheduled for the remainder of FY19. |
Hazardous Materials Team response times | Our goal will remain as trying to achieve a response time of 44.90 minutes. | As of December 31, 2018, we're at 53.00 minutes and are looking at factors that may have led to an increase in response time. |
Fire Safety Division - Boiler & Pressure Vessel Program | The goal for FY19 is to achieve a certificate fulfillment rate of 86%. | As of December 31, 2018, 57,971 of the 72,936 (80%) of devices requiring a valid and current certificate compliance were in compliance against a goal of 86%. The Boiler & Pressure Vessel Unit (BPV) is in the process of adding staff and upgrading existing software to address challenges in making gains towards the goal of 86%. |
Fire Safety Division Certificate Compliance Rate | Establish a 20% inspection rate of existing ASTs that are on a 5 year renewal cycle (due to regulation change only new AST tanks are being inspected). | Fire Safety Division (FSD) Compliance Officers have been tasked with inspecting the records of approximately 375 ASTs (20% of ASTs per year). Plans and procedures have been developed to conduct the records inspection of ASTs annually to ensure tank owners are meeting the specific inspection requirements for each of their tanks. Following the development of the plans and procedures, as of December 31, 2018, 47 inspectors are on track to meet this goal by the end of FY19. |
Massachusetts Fire Academy | Increase our online course offerings by 5%. Currently, we only offer 8 online courses for students compared to 214 classroom setting courses. | As of December 31, 2018, we have 10 online courses. This is a 25% increase to our FY18 goal. |
Department of Correction (DOC)
FY19 Metric | FY19 Target | FY19 Performance |
Increase the percentage of eligible inmates that participate in Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) prior to release | Increase to 20% by June 30, 2019. | On target as of December 31, 2018 at 17%. |
Decrease the clinical recidivism rate for Section 35 offenders at the relocated MASAC at MCI-Plymouth | Decrease the readmission/recidivism rate for MASAC at MCI-Plymouth by 2% in FY18, which amounts to a 20% reduction/ | On target as readmission rate has decreased from 9.9% to 8.4% which amounts to a 15% reduction in readmission/recidivism. |
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA)
FY19 Metric | FY19 Target |
Increase the number of residents and public safety partners who receive MEMA's situational awareness statements, emergency information/alerts, and preparedness messages | Increase the number of recipients by 10% over CY2017 total. |
Increase the number of MEMA's disaster preparedness and informational communications to the public and stakeholders | We no longer want to track this number. This number is difficult to show true outreach as it varies depending on the number of disasters and emergency events that take place. |
Increase the number of participants in MEMA sponsored training and exercise programs | Increased participation in MEMA sponsored training exercises by 5% in CY2018, over total of 2,603 in CY2017. |
Massachusetts National Guard (MANG)
FY19 Metric | FY19 Target | FY19 Performance |
90% ready resilient available army and air National Guard force to respond to the Governor's call for domestic operations in a state active duty status and achieved through personnel readiness, recruiting, retention, education, training. and force composition capabilities | Sustain or exceed 90% throughout the entire fiscal year | Sustained 90% ready to date. Army and Air National Guard units were able to swiftly and safely respond to emergencies across the Commonwealth including the March Nor'easter and the Lawrence recovery efforts. Additionally, the National Guard supported several pre-planned Homeland Security events, and also supported exercises to increase the capabilities of the National Guard and interagency partners across the Commonwealth. |
Municipal Police Training Committee (MPTC)
FY19 Metric | FY19 Target | FY19 Performance |
Recruit police officers graduating with a cumulative test score of 90% or higher | 90% of more student officers achieving an overall score of 90% or higher during their recruit (new officer) training. | As of December 31, 2018, we're currently at 87%. |
Number of police officers attending in-service training who rate the training 4 or above on a 5-point scale | 100% of veteran (incumbent) police officers who rate their mandatory in-service training as 4 or above. | As of December 31, 2018, we're currently at 84% |
Massachusetts Parole Board (PAR)
FY19 Metric | FY19 Target |
Decrease the percentage of inmates waiving or postponing their parole hearing | Target for FY19 remains to reduce the number of below 50% in House of Correction (HOC) and 40% in Department of Correction (DOC). |
Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB)
FY19 Metric | FY19 Target |
Increase the number of classification hearings conducted on a yearly basis | Removing this metric because not consistent with agency's adjustment of strategic plan and priority to focus on duration time from classification hearing to decision publication. |
Reduce duration of time from classification to decision publication | Maintain for FY18 before removing as a metric. |
Achieve greater law enforcement collaboration through more police training | Increase the number of law enforcement training by 25%. |