The Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) FY23 data-driven performance

Learn how EOPSS uses data to improve your experience with state government.

The Administration is working hard to improve your experience with state government. To that end, EOPSS has been asked to identify our critical constituent-facing services and to track our ongoing efforts to improve their delivery. By selecting key metrics and measuring performance against annual targets, our goal is to provide you with the resources you need as simply, efficiently, and transparently as possible.

You can find out which metrics our agencies are tracking and how they're performing on this page.

EOPSS' Fiscal Year 2023 performance

Agency FY23  Metric FY23 Target 
Massachusetts State Police (MSP) Phase II of the AVL implementation. Fully implement AVL project
Massachusetts State Police (MSP) Body Worn Camera  Hire two PCIIs to manage cameras and address issues. 
Massachusetts State Police (MSP) Records Access Office (RAO) 100% operational Achieve full staffing levels at the MSP Records Access Office
Massachusetts State Police (MSP) Automated Paid Detail Management  Implement one detail management system across all Troops. All Troopers to sign up for details online and allow vendors to book details online.
Massachusetts State Police (MSP) Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission (MPAC) Accreditation Achieve Accreditation from MPAC. Process will begin in February when MSP received Certification. Process should take 6-18months.
Massachusetts State Police (MSP) Massachusetts Cadet Program Implementation Begin the first MSP Cadet Class in October/November 2022
Department of Correction (DOC) Increase the distribution of Narcan of all returning citizens with an identified Opioid Use Disorder or interest in having the ability and training to save a life in the community. Increase the distribution of Narcan to 65%.
Department of Correction (DOC) To implement a comprehensive and structured Health and Fitness program into the Recruit Training Program to inlude certifying staff as Physical Fitness Instructors through MPTC. A Stress Resilency module will be added in next recruit program. Target 10 participants as Physical Fitness Instructors. Train all recruits in Health and Fitness Program
Department of Correction (DOC) To implement a body worn camera (BWC) pilot program by May 2022 at one (1) facility.  Target is to have 100% implementation at all facilities by December 2022 (FY23) for a total of 600 Body Worn Cameras in the field.
Department of Correction (DOC) Increase the percentage of male releases to the community with an assessed substance use treatment need that participate in CRA from 68% to 71%. Increase to 75%
Department of Correction (DOC) Increase the percentage of male releases to the community with an assessed anger management treatment need that complete Violence Reduction Program from 69% to 74%. Increase to 80%
Department of Correction (DOC) Reduce the percentage of Restrictive Housing Unit (RHU) admissions that are repeat admissions within a 6 month time span. RHU status targeted to end 4/4/22
Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB) Increase the number of law enforcement professional trainings by 20%.  The current number of officers trained in FY22 is 62.  Increase to 74 law enforcement professionals trained.
Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB) Decrease the submission of paper Sex Offender Registry Information Requests (SORI's) through new electronic notification process currently in development.  Migrate 20% of the current ESORI email requests to the ESORI portal.  The current number of emails received is 14,000. 
Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB) Stabilize petitioner-initiated reclassification caseload maintenance level of approximately 285 pending cases. Decrease the maintenance level goal of 235 cases by 10%. The FY23 Target number is 212.
Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB) Increase hearings conducted and decision publications per year by an additional 10% to approximately 500 cases completed. Increase hearings conducted and decisions published by an additional 10%. With a target number of 510.  
Sex Offender Registry Board (SORB) Decrease hearing continuance rate. Currently on pace for 190 continuances in FY21 Decrease hearing continuences by 10% 
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) Award certificates of recognition for the Massachusetts Professional Emergency Manager Program. Award 30 certificates in the programs' first year.
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) Add new Emergency Management specific training programs to the Agency's training portfolio.  Add 3 new courses in the first year.
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) Increase hours of operation at Westfield and Cape Cod offices, ideally 24/7/365 by expanding medical examiner assistant staff Increase medical examiner assistant staffing by 15%
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) Maintain the NAME standard for completion of autopsy reports. 90% of autopsy reports completed in 90 days of examination.
Department of Criminal Justice Information Systems (DCJIS) Increase number of CJIS training and compliance programs for criminal justice and non-criminal justice users of DCJIS applications. Increase the number of  trainings by 20%. 
Department of Criminal Justice Information Systems (DCJIS) Increase utilization of Automated Vehicle Citation and Crash System (MACCS).  Close out program with all Departments expressing interest in participating on implementation schedule.  
Department of Criminal Justice Information Systems (DCJIS) Decrease the average processing time of non-resident LTC applications from current 118 days to 90 days. Decrease the average processing time of non-resident LTC applications to 90 days.
Department of Fire Services (DFS) Our goal is to increase the number of firefighters taking advantage of  early detection screenings. Our goal is to increase the number of skin cancer screenings by increasing the number of dermatologist conducting skin exams we currently have 1 volunteer dermatologist.  One volunteer dermatologist has conducted 721 skin screenings in 35 locations.   Have two volunteer dermatologist conducting skin screenings to broaden the program and increase skin screenings by 10%
Department of Fire Services (DFS) Our goal is to increase the number of firefighters taking advantage of  early detection screenings. We intend to increase the number of free CT Scans to greater than 455.  Our goal is to begin another screening program by including PSA exams. We have approved 137 firefighters for CT Scans and conducted 15 CT Scans but due to COVID our contracted vendor has had to suspend this elective procedure temporarily for a few months.   We have approved 25 firefighters to have PSA blood tests.

To increase the number of CT Scans and PSA blood test by 5% over FY22 target.

Department of Fire Services (DFS) Decrease Hazardous Materials Team response times Achieve a response time of 30 minutes 
Department of Fire Services (DFS) Increase fulfillment rate of the Boiler &  Pressure Vessel Program Certificate. Achieve an 85% certificate of inspection compliance rate.
Department of Fire Services (DFS) Increase the Fire Safety Division's Certificate Compliance Rate. Maintain inspection rates at 20% of AST Tanks per year
Department of Fire Services (DFS) Increase online course offerings at the Massachusetts Fire Academy Our FY23 goal will be to increase our online course offering to 15 courses.
Department of Fire Services (DFS) Number of students completing courses delivered by the Massachusetts Fire Academy. Our goal will be to increase the number of students completing courses by the MA Fire Academy by 5% of approximately 17,000 students
Massachusetts Parole Board (PAR) Pending anticipated addition of available beds, increase the number of parolees placed in a residential reentry program Target for FY 2023 is to increase the number of parolees placed in a residential reentry program by 10%, compared to the baseline (i.e. FY 2022).
Massachusetts Parole Board (PAR) Increase the percentage of eligible parolees who discharge from parole earlier as a result of earning compliance credits. Target for FY 2023 is to increase the percentage of eligible parolees who discharge from parole earlier as a result of earning compliance credits by 5 percentage points, compared to the baseline (i.e. FY 2022). 
Massachusetts Parole Board (PAR) Decrease the % of inmates waiving or postponing their parole hearing. Target for FY 2023 is to reduce the number to below 55% in HOC and 40% in DOC. 
State 911 Department (E911) Add 2 more Regional PSAPs Add 1 more Regional PSAP
State 911 Department (E911) Continue to Reduce the number of PSAPs  Reduce the number of PSAPs to 210
State 911 Department (E911) Maintain the grant reimbursement rate 30-day trun around on grant reimbursements
Massachusetts  Military Division - National Guard  (MIL) Cybersecurity Preparedness & Assistance Teams Continue interagency work on cyber incident response policies and procedures                     Implementation of the municipal cybersecurity assistance team operations - conduct min. of 6 support missions
Massachusetts  Military Division - National Guard  (MIL) Police Partnership - Law Enforcement Training Conduct 1 full-time MPTC accredited academy for approx. 50 students
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) Increase the number of local applications to the MEMA Emergency Management Performance Grant program.  Currently at 290. EMPG20 = 333 applications recieved; 17 applications increased from FY21 (94.1%).  Offering of additional round still to be determined.  
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) Increase the number of developed and adopted Local Hazard Mitigation Plans.  Increase by 3% to have 269 Plans approved. 
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) Per the agency’s Plans Cycle Schedule, 70% of the state’s response plans scheduled for review and revision (within the year) will be completed within 30 days of the projected completion date. Per the agency’s Plans Cycle Schedule, 70% of the assigned state’s response plans scheduled for review and revision (within the year) will be completed within 30 days of the projected completion date.
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) Maintain the NAME standard for completion of autopsy reports. Maintain the NAME standard for completion of autopsy reports.
Municipal Police Training Committee (MPTC) Increase capacity for  by an additional 40%. Continue to increase capacity by an additional 20% and add de-escalation facilities to support police reform rquirements.
Municipal Police Training Committee (MPTC) Increase the number of in-service classes by 20% over FY 21.  The MPTC is responsible for developing the inservice training standards for all law enforcement agencies and is responsible for capturing 100% of the officers who completed the required classes in FY 22. This was a requirement of police reform.
Municipal Police Training Committee (MPTC) Continue to provide specialized, Inservice and certification training to support Police Reform. This would increase the number of trainings offered by 25%. Continue to provide specialized, Inservice and certification training to support Police Reform including the cotinuation of Bridge Training. This would increase the number of trainings offered by 35%.

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