Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Massachusetts: At a glance

The nation’s oldest federal-state partnership, the Title V MCH program has helped ensure the health of mothers, women, children and youth, including children and youth with special health care needs, and their families, for over 75 years.

Title V funding

In Fiscal Year 2021, Massachusetts received $11 million in federal funds. States are required to match every $4 of Federal Title V money they receive by at least $3 of State and/or local money. Massachusetts provides significantly more state funding ($16 state for every $4 federal).

Title V services provided to

Pregnant Women 6,165
Infants <1 year 41,049
Children 1 - 22 years 747,323
Children with Special Healthcare Needs 208,777
Others 68,250
FY20 Totals 862,828

Annual report and application

Massachusetts submits an application and report every year detailing successes and challenges in implementing our state action plan and plans for the coming year. The most recent report can be viewed at Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant.

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