MassDOT oversees the installation, maintenance, inspection, and replacement of all traffic signs. As part of our efforts to improve safety on our roadways, we review and update highway signage so it remains functional and in good repair. Through a combination of state forces and contractors we replace around 300 to 500 large directional signs and 800 to 1,000 other signs on the Interstate and freeway system each year. We also replace 100 to 250 directional signs and 200 to 500 other signs yearly on the secondary state highway system.
MassDOT Standard Signs
We have designs for specific sign faces in use throughout the Commonwealth. These generally conform to standards found in the Federal Highway Administration's MUTCD, but do not have a standard MUTCD sign code. These signs may be used on state highways or locally-owned streets and highways, both through MassDOT projects or at the discretion of the city or town. Detailed drawings of these signs are listed within the downloadable MassDOT Standard Sign Book below.