Where we are in the process - Cape Cod bridges program

Details on progress that has been made to date as well as work to be completed.

Table of Contents

Program phases

The Program will occur in multiple phases due to the complexity of the area and the work required to make substantial improvements to traffic and multimodal accommodations. Phase 1, completed as of December 2022, included the following:

  • Data collection – including identifying existing environmental conditions and traffic patterns;
  • Initiation of public outreach and involvement efforts.

Phase 1 also included three rounds of public engagement – in June 2021, November 2021, and November 2022, respectively. Each of these rounds included public meetings as well as stakeholder briefings and outreach, which are described in further detail below.

Phase 2, completed in May 2023, included developing and refining bridge and roadway options based on public feedback received during past, ongoing, and upcoming rounds of public engagement. This phase consisted of two rounds of public engagement – the fourth and fifth rounds of the Program – which were held in January and March 2023. It also included an Open House, held in May 2023.

The Program is currently in Phase 3, which includes identifying preferred options, beginning the environmental documentation process, as well as advancing design development.

The subsequent phases of the Program include:

  • Phase 4: MassDOT completes preliminary design and environmental review/permitting;
  • Phase 5: Construction underway;
  • Delivery: The Cape Cod Bridges Program is completed.


  • October 2019: MassDOT finalized and published the Cape Cod Canal Transportation Study, recommending that improvements be made to multimodal connectivity and reliability across the Canal.
  • March 2020: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) finalized and published their Major Rehabilitation Evaluation Report (MRER) and Environmental Assessment (EA) on the current state of repair and the transportation needs of the region.
  • April 2020: The USACE and Assistant Secretary of the Amy for Civil Works officially announced their recommendation to replace the current Sagamore and Bourne bridges.
  • July 2020: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was executed between MassDOT and the USACE (see Program background).
  • June 2021: Public process commences with two public information meetings.
  • November 2021: Public process continues with two additional public information meetings.
  • May 2022: The USACE, in partnership with MassDOT, submitted a grant application under the Multimodal Project Discretionary Program.
  • August 2022: The USACE, in partnership with MassDOT, submitted a grant application under the Bridge Investment Program.
  • November 2022: Public process continues with two additional public information meetings.
  • November 2022: FHWA and USACE approve of the Purpose and Need Statement
  • December 2022: FHWA formally designed as Lead Federal Agency
  • January 2023: The USACE and MassDOT are notified that the Program will not receive funding in the first round of Large Bridge Project Grants through the Bridge Investment Program but will receive a $1.6 million Bridge Planning grant.
  • January 2023: Public process continues with two additional public information meetings.
  • March 2023: Public process continues with two additional public information meetings.
  • April 2023: The Program Team files the Environmental Notification Form (ENF) with the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) Office.
  • May 2023: The public process continues with an in-person Open House at the Bourne Veteran's Memorial Community Center to announce the filing of the ENF and provide an opportunity for public interaction on information previously presented at the March 2023 Public Meetings. View the displays shown at the Open House.
  • June 14, 2023: FHWA hosted a Cooperating Agency kickoff meeting to formally initiate agency coordination for the Cape Cod Bridges Program under NEPA.
  • July 7, 2023: The Massachusetts Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs issues a certificate on the ENF directing submission of a mandatory Environmental Impact Report (EIR) pursuant to MEPA.
  • August 11, 2023: FHWA issues a determination that the Program is likely to have a significant impact on the environment, necessitating preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in accordance with requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
  • August 21, 2023: MassDOT, in partnership with USACE, submitted a grant application under the Multimodal Project Discretionary Program for Federal INFRA and MEGA funding.
  • October 17, 2023: FHWA hosted a second Cooperating Agency meeting to discuss the roles and responsibilities for Cooperating Agencies in the EIS process and solicit concurrence on the Purpose and Need for proposed action.
  • December 4, 2023: MassDOT, in partnership with USACE, submitted a grant application under the Bridge Investment Program.
  • December 15, 2023: MassDOT, in partnership with USACE, was granted $372 million through the Multimodal Project Discretionary Program Grant. This amount corresponds to the full amount applied for in August 2023.
  • February 29, 2024: FHWA, in coordination with MassDOT, published a Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an EIS for the Cape Cod Bridges Program, formally initiating the NEPA process and establishing the scoping period during which the public and government agencies can review and provide comments on the Purpose and Need for proposed action, Alternatives Retained for Detailed Study, and potentially significant issues to be addressed in the EIS.
  • April 25, 2024: A Virtual Public Information Meeting is held as part of the sixth round of outreach and to provide opportunities for public review and comment, in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) scoping for the DEIS.
  • May 6, 2024: The Program applied for Multimodal Program Discretionary grant funding for the Bourne Bridge
  • May 13, 2024: An Open House is held at the Bourne Veteran’s Memorial Community Center as part of the sixth round of public outreach and to provide opportunities for public review and comment, in compliance with NEPA scoping for the DEIS.
  • July 12, 2024, the Healey-Driscoll Administration announced that the Program won nearly $1 billion through the Bridge Investment Program for the Sagamore Bridge.
  • August 1, 2024, the Program submitted a Bridge Investment Program application for the Bourne Bridge.
Overhead view of project site showing the bridge, water and local roadways

Contact   for Where we are in the process - Cape Cod bridges program


We encourage you to contact us with any questions, comments, or input regarding the Program Submit your online comment 


Submit all written comments Attention: Project Management, Project File No. 608020
Carrie E. Lavallee, P.E., Chief Engineer, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116

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