• This page, 4th Amended and Restated (A&R) MCO Contracts, is   offered by
  • MassHealth

4th Amended and Restated (A&R) MCO Contracts

This page contains EOHHS’s contracts with its Managed Care Organizations (MCOs).

The “base” MCO Contracts, certain appendices, and Contract documents (such as the Contract signature page) are plan-specific. There are other appendices to the MCO Contracts that are the same for the two MCOs. These documents are all below. Please note that the 4th Amended and Restated MCO Contracts supersede previous versions and incorporate all applicable provisions from those previous versions.

Table of Contents

4th A&R MCO Contract - Boston Medical Center Health Plan specific documents and appendices

4th A&R MCO Contract - Tufts specific documents and appendices

Appendices Shared by Both MCOs

Amendment 1 to 4th Amended and Restated MCO Contracts

Amendment 2 to 4th Amended and Restated MCO Contracts

Amendment 3 to 4th Amended and Restated MCO Contracts

Amendment 3A to the 4th Amended and Restated (A&R) MCO Contracts - Tufts

Amendment 4 to the 4th Amended and Restated (A&R) MCO Contracts

3rd Amended and Restated (A&R) MCO Contracts

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