Secure Adjustment Unit (SAU) Monthly

Incarcerated individuals assessed as needing an immediate structured program intervention to support a reduction in risk for future disruptive or violent behavior are recommended for a reclassification hearing to consider placement in a Secure Adjustment Unit (SAU). Placement in a Secure Adjustment is affirmed through the classification process outlined in 103 CMR 420. This practice provides all incarcerated individuals the opportunity to participate in the reclassification hearing, appeal or support the board’s decision and have final review completed by the commissioner’s designee. The SAUs are separate from general population housing, however they are not Restrictive Housing as defined by G.L. c. 127, sec. 1, the American Correctional Association, or 103 CMR 423. In all SAUs, the incarcerated Individual is provided access to cognitive behavioral treatment, education, programs, structured recreation, leisure time activities, and mental health services. Each level of SAU provides a distinct program intervention that is used to respond to the individual’s unique needs and level of risk. All SAU’s follow a graduated phase system designed to encourage maximum participation and support progress for the individual, coupled with a weekly incentive program to encourage progress toward individualized program plan goals.

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