
News  Housing Court Deputy Court Administrator Appointed

  • Housing Court

Boston, MAHousing Court Chief Justice Timothy Sullivan and Court Administrator Jon Williams today announced the selection of Housing Court Administrative Attorney Benjamin O. Adeyinka to serve as the Deputy Court Administrator for the Housing Court.  His appointment will be effective September 17, 2018, succeeding Deputy Court Administrator Paul Burke who retires this month.

Attorney Adeyinka joined the Housing Court Administrative Office as the Administrative Attorney in 2014.  He previously worked as a Staff Attorney for Orlans Moran PLLC in Boston where he handled trials, appeals and settlements on foreclosures, bankruptcy cases and title challenges cases in the Housing, District Superior, Federal and Appeals Courts.  He represents the Housing Court on the Trial Court’s Public Outreach Committee.  In 2015, he co-authored Chapter 15 of MCLE’s Residential and Commercial Landlord Tenant Practices in Massachusetts.  The Real Estate Bar Association presented him with an Emerging Leader Award in 2016. 

“Attorney Adeyinka has worked successfully with landlords and tenants to identify ways to improve the practices of the Housing Court,” said Chief Justice Sullivan.  “I look forward to working with him in this new role, as we expand Housing Court jurisdiction statewide and expand access to justice through technology and assure positive experiences for our court users.”

Attorney Adeyinka holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of New York at Buffalo, an MBA from Medialle College and a law degree from the Massachusetts School of Law.  He is a member of the Real Estate Bar Association and the Massachusetts Black Lawyers Association.  He resides in Lynn with his wife, Attorney Ruth Adeyinka.

  • Housing Court 

    The Housing Court Department oversees civil and criminal actions that involve the health, safety, or welfare of homeowners or those who live in residential housing.
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