• This page, State 911 Department Newsletter - August 2023, is   offered by
  • State 911 Department

News  State 911 Department Newsletter - August 2023

  • State 911 Department

To view the newsletter, please click here.

  • State 911 Department 

    The State 911 Department oversees and maintains the statewide 9-1-1 system for emergency services. If you are in Massachusetts and have an emergency, DIAL 9-1-1. If you are calling from OUT OF STATE to report an emergency in Massachusetts, CALL 508-872-2508!

    Please note, our email address state911department@massmail.state.ma.us is NOT monitored 24/7 and is NOT for reporting emergencies. CALL 911 IF YOU CAN, TEXT 911 IF YOU CAN'T!

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