Defined Contribution Plans

Participation in one of the Massachusetts Defined Contribution Plans can help provide for a more comfortable and secure financial future. Learn more about our programs: the SMART Plan and the CORE Plan.

Contact Us


SMART Plan (877) 457-1900


1 Ashburton Place
12th Floor
Boston, MA 02108

Who we serve

We offer retirement savings programs for public employees as well as employees of eligible nonprofit organizations located in the Commonwealth.

What would you like to do?

Recent news & announcements

Press Release

State’s Nonprofit Retirement Plan Celebrates Enrollment Milestone 

5/20/2024 Office of State Treasurer and Receiver General Deborah B. Goldberg

State’s Nonprofit Retirement Plan Celebrates Enrollment Milestone

Press Release

Treasurer Goldberg and David Lynch Provide Testimony to Joint Committee on Public Service Regarding SMART Plan Legislation 

7/27/2023 Office of State Treasurer and Receiver General Deborah B. Goldberg

Treasurer Goldberg and David Lynch Provide Testimony to Joint Committee on Public Service Regarding SMART Plan Legislation


Defined Contribution Plan Department Fact Sheet

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