Division of Maternal and Child Health Research and Analysis

We optimize the health of infants, children, mothers, and families in all Massachusetts communities by strengthening partnerships and translating data to action.

Contact Us


Sarah L. Stone, PhD, MPH Sarah.L.Stone@mass.gov


250 Washington Street
6th Floor
Boston, MA 02108

Who we serve

We provide statistical information for needs assessment, performance management, and decision support throughout the Bureau of Family Health and Nutrition (BFHN) using data analytics, survey work, and evaluation studies.

Working closely with Division Directors and Program Managers, our staff conduct data analysis, evaluation, needs assessment, and surveillance activities. Their work advises RFR development, federal grant applications, performance monitoring, clinical research, community mobilization to broaden public awareness, establishment of strategic initiatives to address concerning and emerging trends, as well as many daily functions of Bureau programs. In addition, we collaborate with other DPH Bureaus and as well as institutions such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, March of Dimes, and local schools of public health, particularly Boston University.

BFHN programs supported

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