Occupational Health Surveillance Program (OHSP)

Workplace injuries, illnesses, and fatalities can be prevented. Information about how and why working people in Massachusetts are getting sick or hurt on the job is needed to develop effective prevention strategies. Public health data can guide the development of new, safer technologies, educational activities, and regulatory and policy changes to make workplaces healthier and secure.

Contact Us


Main office (617) 624-5632


(617) 624-5676
Confidential Reporting Fax (617) 624-5696


250 Washington St.
4th Floor
Boston, MA 02108-4619

Who we serve

The mission of the Occupational Health Surveillance Program is to promote the health, safety, and well-being of all working people in Massachusetts by using occupational health data for action.  

We do this by: 

  • Collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and disseminating information about work-related injuries, illnesses, and hazards in Massachusetts that is responsive to community needs and emerging health concerns and is reflective of the core tenets of occupational health surveillance;
  • Using this information to guide and prioritize intervention activities such as the development of policies and programs to address workplace risks;
  • Placing special emphasis on reaching worker populations that have been affected by persistent systemic racism and related inequities; and, 
  • Integrating work as a social determinant of health and occupational health into ongoing public health surveillance and practice

OHSP acknowledges the history and persistence of structural racism in the United States and its impact on health, including on work-related injuries and illnesses. We work towards eliminating the marginalization and inequities that threaten the lives of underserved workers. 

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