Office of the Assistant Commissioner for Health Equity (OACHE)

The goal of the Office of the Assistant Commissioner for Health Equity (OACHE) is to improve health and eliminate inequities across racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups.

We seek to establish and maintain collaborative partnerships with leaders across the Department of Public Health (DPH), Executive Office of Health and Human Services, sister agencies, local government, and a broad range of community stakeholders. Working together, we support the development of thoughtful and innovative community-informed approaches to embedding data-informed health and racial equity best practices across all aspects of DPH community-centered program planning, development, and service delivery.  

OACHE is driving the implementation of the DPH Strategic Plan to Advance Racial Equity (SP-ARE), through collaborative partnerships, data-driven approaches, and effective communication to accelerate the use innovative strategies and new knowledge to identify the root causes, the social determinants of health and the health-related social needs that lead to inequities in health outcomes. 

We oversee the Office of Health Equity and Community Engagement (OHECE), the Office of Problem Gambling Services (OPGS), the Strategic Plan to Advance Racial Equity and provide operational and leadership support the EOHHS Advancing Health Equity in Massachusetts (AHEM) initiative. 

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Office of the Assistant Commissioner for Health Equity (617) 624-6000

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