In order to promote the orderly use of videoconferencing equipment and to ensure proper operation of the equipment at all times, a primary video conferencing coordinator and backup shall be designated wherever Trial Court videoconferencing is to be used. In multi-department buildings, each Department or Superior Court shall designate a coordinator and back-up. All coordinators will be properly trained by the Judicial Information Services Department of the Trial Court (hereinafter JISD) on the use of videoconferencing equipment and on troubleshooting any issues that may arise. The JISD Help Desk shall provide assistance to all coordinators, and shall provide assistance whenever a report of any malfunction of videoconferencing is received.
Any court division, department or Superior Court using videoconferencing equipment for court events shall confirm its proper operation prior to and during the court event. The identified liaison for the Department-Division or the Superior Court using the equipment shall confirm to the Judge and Clerk Magistrate that the equipment is functional. The court must confirm that all parties are able to see and hear each of the participants to the court event and that the event is being properly recorded as an audio event on the courtroom recording system. If a party is participating in a proceeding by video, and the proceeding is such that the party has a legal right to participate and has not waived that right, at any time that the judge learns that the equipment is not operating properly, the judge will suspend the event until such time as the judge ascertains that proper functioning as been restored, or will reschedule the event for a time when all parties will be able to participate. If the equipment cannot be restored within a reasonable time, the court may offer the option of resuming the event by telephone, and by the courtroom speaker phone or should reschedule the event for a time when all of the participants are available. The rescheduled hearing shall be conducted as soon as is practicable.
In addition to working to ensure the proper operation of videoconferencing equipment located in the courthouse, JISD shall work with any off-site custodial facility or other external entity participating in videoconferencing of court events to ensure the proper operation of that equipment and its connection to the videoconferencing equipment in the courthouse.