Amendment to the Individual Written Rehabilitation Program, as used in 452 CMR 4.00, shall mean any addition, deletion, or substitution in the employment goal, scope of services, responsibilities, or costs of the individual written vocational rehabilitation plan.
Catastrophic Injury, as used in 452 CMR 4.00, shall be one in which an individual has sustained loss of function involving, but not limited to, any of the following conditions:
(a) mangling, crushing or amputation of a major portion of an extremity;
(b) traumatic injury to the spinal cord that has caused or may cause paralysis;
(c) severe burns that require burn center care; or
(d) serious head injury, loss of vision in both eyes, or loss of hearing in both ears.
Determination of Suitability, as used in 452 CMR 4.00, shall mean an evaluation of an injured employee as to appropriateness for vocational rehabilitation services by a vocational rehabilitation review officer employed by OEVR, referred to in M.G.L. c. 152, § 30G.
Feasibility of Vocational Rehabilitation, as used in M.G.L. c. 152, § 30H, and 452 CMR 4.00, shall mean the practicality of recommending vocational rehabilitation services with respect to the cost-benefit ratio of such services, predictable return to function and duration of future employment, and the injured employee's pre-injury wage.
Functional Limitation, as used in 452 CMR 4.00, shall mean the residual effect of physical or psychiatric injury or occupational disease as related to capacity to work.
Individual Written Rehabilitation Program (IWRP), as used in 452 CMR 4.00, shall mean the source document for the injured employee's individual rehabilitation program, referred to in M.G.L. c. 152, § 30G, which lists the services, costs, and responsibilities of all participants and which is developed by an OEVR certified rehabilitation provider but approved by the office of education and vocational rehabilitation.
Mandatory Meeting, as used in M.G.L. c. 152, § 30G and 452 CMR 4.00, shall mean the initial interview between a workers' compensation recipient and a vocational rehabilitation review officer employed by OEVR.
Necessity of Rehabilitation, as used in M.G.L. c. 152, § 30H and 452 CMR 4.00, shall mean circumstances in which an injured employee can not return to his or her former job with his or her former employer without job modification or job redesign, or placement in another job with or without retraining because of the functional limitation resulting from his or her injury.
Qualified Rehabilitation Counselor, as used in 452 CMR 4.00, shall mean any person who is approved to serve workers' compensation recipients pursuant to 452 CMR 4.03(2).
Reasonable Incidental Costs, as used in 452 CMR 4.00, shall mean the cost of travel to a rehabilitation program site, as well as other expenses directly related to the rehabilitation program without which the injured employee would be unable to participate.
Successful Rehabilitation, as used in 452 CMR 4.00, shall mean 60 days of consecutive employment in a job compatible with the IWRP.
Systemic Injury, as used in 452 CMR 4.00, shall mean an injury which affects an entire body system, such as the respiratory or neurologic system, as opposed to an injury which limits function in one area, such as a muscle sprain or strain.
Team Meeting, as used in 452 CMR 4.00, shall mean a special meeting with OEVR inclusive of all parties involved in the vocational services being administered to an injured employee.
Transferable Skills, as used in 452 CMR 4.00, shall mean any combination of learned behavior, natural talents, and work-related skills which can be adapted from one work setting to another.