Regulatory Bulletin

Regulatory Bulletin  New USDOT Number Requirement for Intrastate CMVs

Date: 08/09/2018
Referenced Sources: 540 CMR: Registry of Motor Vehicles Regulations

Mass State law enforcement has agreed to delaying strict enforcement of the new regulations outlined below until January 1, 2019 to give carriers time to comply. Between September 1 and December 31, the police may issue a warning for those who aren’t in compliance with the new regulations.


As of September 1, 2018, intrastate motor carriers in Massachusetts will be required to obtain and display a United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) number per 540 CMR 2.22, the Commercial Marking section of the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) regulations.

This applies to motor carriers operating the following CMVs:
  • Engaged in intrastate commerce having a gross vehicle weight rating or gross combination weight rating of 10,001 or more pounds.
  • Used in the transportation of hazardous materials in a quantity requiring placarding.
  • Designed to transport more than 15 passengers, including the driver, used in intrastate commerce in Massachusetts.

If a company operates a subject vehicle, it must be permanently marked with a USDOT number assigned in a manner conforming to the provisions of 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 390.21. Please note that the requirement for a USDOT number is based upon the definition above, regardless of how any individual vehicle may be registered with the Massachusetts RMV.
To obtain a USDOT Number, visit the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration website.  From there, follow the Registration link to obtain an intrastate USDOT number. The company will be issued a single USDOT number that must be displayed on all CMVs as defined above that the company operates, including leased vehicles. There is no charge to obtain this number from the USDOT-FMCSA.

After September 1, 2018, failure to obtain and display a USDOT Number on a motor carrier’s vehicles may result in a civil fine and/or placement of the CMVs Out-of-Service until the company obtains a USDOT Number. Whether a company operates intrastate (meaning business is conducted solely within Massachusetts) or operates interstate (conducting business between states), a company must obtain the DOT number directly on-line at the FMCSA website. For questions regarding the federal website, call the FMCSA at 1-800-832-5660.

Please note that the safety regulations as found in 540 CMR 14.00 and 49 CFR 390-397 pertaining to such subjects as driver licensing, medical cards, and vehicle maintenance, are not changing for intrastate carriers with the implementation of this new regulation.

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