Payment Request for Commodity

Payment Request for Commodity Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a Payment Request for Commodity (PRC)?

A PRC is a payment request based on the sum of "passed" invoices.

2. When is a Payment Request for Commodity (PRC) created?

PRCs are created on a schedule set by agencies. Agencies determine how many levels of approval are needed prior to submitting PRCs to the Massachusetts Management Accounting and Reporting System (MMARS).

3. How can I learn the status of a particular PRC?

Authorized agency and provider staff can check PRC information in EIM/ESM. PRC status may be viewed by conducting a PRC search from within the Billing module. A status job aid that describes PRC status states may be found via this link.

4. When can a provider expect payment for a Ready Payment PRC if the PRC generation date falls on a weekend or holiday?

Provider staff can typically expect EFT/Check generation within 3 business days of EIM PRC generation. However, on months where the 10 th or the 24 th fall on a weekend or holiday, Ready Payment PRC's are generated on the following business day. Similarly, on months where the day after the 10 th or 24 th (the 11 th or 25 th) falls on a weekend or holiday, State agency accounting staff will approve payments in MMARS generally on the next business day.

A calendar and Ready Payment job aid that describes the timing of ready payments in EIM may be found at in the Training and User Materials/EIM Materials section.

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