EIM/ESM Training and User Materials

This section contains documents available for download that are intended to assist users of the Enterprise Invoice/Service Management (EIM/ESM).
Picture of Hand writing on document

Getting Started

The Getting Started job aids will assist users with guidance on how to log in to the Virtual Gateway, Reset a Forgotten Password, and how to contact Virtual Gateway Customer Service.

Manage Enrollment Locations

The Manage Enrollment Locations job aids will assist user who manage EIM contracts and interfaced client enrollments in EIM.

Client Data Entry and Enrollment

The Client Data Entry and Enrollment job aids will assist users who manually enter client enrollment records into ESM.

Bureau of Substance Abuse Services (BSAS)

Competitive Integrated Employment Services (CIES)

MRC ABI Residential Program

EIM Billing

The EIM Billing job aids will assist users who work with Accommodation Rate, Cost Reimbursement and Unit Rate contracts in EIM. This section also provides guidance on EIM/ESM statuses, running reports, and completing CIES Progress Documentation Forms. 

Accommodation Rate

Cost Reimbursement (Invoice) Contracts

Unit Rate (SDR) Contracts

Competitive Integrated Employment Services (CIES) Progress Documentation Forms

Ready Payment

The Ready Payment job aids provide guidance on how to reconcile payments and also provide information on the Ready Pay schedule.

  • Provider Ready Pay Job Aid  
    This job aid with assist users who work with Ready Pay Invoices by providing instructions on how to search for and view an invoice along with how to view a Ready Pay Adjustment. This job aid also provides scenarios surrounding Ready Payments and how to reconcile those payments.
  • Ready Payments Job Aid
    This job aid provides the FY10 Ready Pay Schedule and also information on the Ready Pay schedule when payments fall on a weekend or holiday.


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) job aids provide guidance on how to read and reconcile HIPAA Claims Files in EIM.

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