Getting Started
The Getting Started job aids will assist users with guidance on how to log in to the Virtual Gateway, Reset a Forgotten Password, and how to contact Virtual Gateway Customer Service.
Virtual Gateway Login Job Aid
This job aid will guide a user on how to log into the Virtual Gateway, change your password and change your account information. -
Virtual Gateway Forgot Password Job Aid
This job aid will guide a user on how to reset a forgotten Virtual Gateway Username/Password.
Manage Enrollment Locations
The Manage Enrollment Locations job aids will assist user who manage EIM contracts and interfaced client enrollments in EIM.
Add/Edit Participating Organization Job Aid l (DOC)
This job aid will walk providers through the process of adding provider locations to individual contracts. -
Assign Enrollment Locations Job Aid l (DOC)
This job aid will walk providers through the process of assigning interfaced clients to a provider location.
Client Data Entry and Enrollment
The Client Data Entry and Enrollment job aids will assist users who manually enter client enrollment records into ESM.
Bureau of Substance Abuse Services (BSAS)
- Consent Job Aid l (DOC)
- BSAS Programs - Address Information Job Aid l (DOC)
- BSAS Programs - Client Enrollment and Assessments
This job aid will provide guidance to DPH providers on how to add and update client information and also how to enter enrollment and disenrollment assessments for the BSAS programs in EIM/ESM. - BSAS Programs - Insurance Information Job Aid
- ESM Recovery Support Center - Client Data Entry Job Aid
This job aid will provide guidance to DPH providers on how to add and update client information, how to enter a service plan and how to disenroll for the BSAS Recovery program in EIM/ESM. - Program Reviewer Job Aid
- Reports Catalog Handout
- Reports Job Aid
- Reports Guide
- Reporting ICD 9 Diagnostic Code Job Aid
- SBHC Job Aid
Competitive Integrated Employment Services (CIES)
- CIES Programs - Client Enrollment Job Aid
This job aid will assist DTA and MRC providers who are enrolling and updating client enrollment records in ESM for the CIES Program.
MRC ABI Residential Program
- ABI Program - Client Enrollment Job Aid
This job aid will assist MRC providers who are enrolling and updating client enrollment records in ESM for the ABI Residential Program.
EIM Billing
The EIM Billing job aids will assist users who work with Accommodation Rate, Cost Reimbursement and Unit Rate contracts in EIM. This section also provides guidance on EIM/ESM statuses, running reports, and completing CIES Progress Documentation Forms.
Accommodation Rate
- Accommodation Rate Job Aid
This job aid assists users who bill with Accomodation Rate invoices and/or SDRs.
Note: This job aid has been updated to reflected EIM/ESM system enhancements that will become effective as of May 19, 2013. - DMH - 3066 Individual and Family Flexible Supports
This Accommodation Rate job aid supplement is for providers who have DMH contracts for Individual and Family Flexible Supports.
Cost Reimbursement (Invoice) Contracts
- Provider Billing Booklet: Cost Reimbursement Policies and Billing in EIM-ESM l (DOC)
- Cost Reimbursement Amendment Job Aid l (DOC)
- Cost Reimbursement SDR Job Aid file size 1MB
This job aid assists users who bill with Cost Reimbursement invoices and/or SDRs."
Note: This job aid has been updated to reflected EIM/ESM system enhancements that will become effective as of May 19, 2013. - Cost Reimbursement SDR Job Aid for HST Providers Only l (DOC)
This job aid assists HST Brokers who bill with Cost Reimbursement invoices and SDRs.
Note: This job aid has been updated to reflected EIM/ESM system enhancements that will become effective as of May 19, 2013. - Invoice Assessment Job Aid
- Invoice Job Aid
- Payment Tracking Report Job Aid
- Reports Job Aid
- Status Job Aid
- Tracking Payments in EIM Job Aid
- Updating Category 1 Line Items Job Aid
Unit Rate (SDR) Contracts
- Error Codes for Service Delivery and Adjudication Rules Job Aid l (DOC)
- Decentralized Service Delivery Report (SDR) file size 1MB
This job aid assists users who bill with Unit Rate SDRs at the decentralized level.
Note: This job aid has been updated to reflected EIM/ESM system enhancements that will become effective as of May 19, 2003. - Payment Detail by Client Report Job Aid
- Payment Tracking Report Job Aid
- Reports Job Aid
- Service Delivery Report (SDR) Job Aid file size 1MB
This job aid assists users who bill with Unit Rate SDRs at the centralized level.
Note: This job aid has been updated to reflected EIM/ESM system enhancements that will become effective as of May 19 2013. - Status Job Aid
- Tracking Payments in EIM Job Aid
- Unit Rate Amendment Job Aid
Competitive Integrated Employment Services (CIES) Progress Documentation Forms
- CIES Progress Documentation Job Aid
This job aid will assist providers in completing progress documentation forms as part of the CIES Program. - CIES Progress Documentation NAICS Job Aid
This job aid will assist providers in completing progress documentation forms as part of the CIES Program. - CIES Progress Documentation SOC Job Aid
This job aid will assist providers in completing progress documentation forms as part of the CIES Program. - DDS CIES Providers: Reporting EIM Hourly Services Job Aid
This job aid will assist DDS Providers participating in the CIES Program. - DTA CIES Providers: Reporting EIM Component-based Services Job Aid
This job aid will assist DTA Providers participating in the CIES Program. - MRC CIES Providers: Reporting EIM Hourly and Component-based Services Job Aid
This job aid will assist MRC Providers participating in the CIES Program.
Ready Payment
The Ready Payment job aids provide guidance on how to reconcile payments and also provide information on the Ready Pay schedule.
- Provider Ready Pay Job Aid
This job aid with assist users who work with Ready Pay Invoices by providing instructions on how to search for and view an invoice along with how to view a Ready Pay Adjustment. This job aid also provides scenarios surrounding Ready Payments and how to reconcile those payments. - Ready Payments Job Aid
This job aid provides the FY10 Ready Pay Schedule and also information on the Ready Pay schedule when payments fall on a weekend or holiday.
A number of EIM/ESM reports are available to authorized users. The following list of reports include the names of the reports, a brief description, benefit and parameters along with the roles through which access may be granted to agency, provider or operational users.
- Accommodation Rate Expenditure Report
- Activity PRC Details by Service Code
- Activity PRC Details by Sub-Activity
- CIES Budgeting Report
- Client Enrollment Status
- Client Enrollment Status (DI)
- Client Utilization Report
- Commodity Based Payment Request
- Contract Utilization Report
- Cost Reimbursement Budget
- Cost Reimbursement Expenditure Analysis
- Cost Reimbursement Invoice
- HIPAA Claim Status Report
- Ledger Report
- Payment Detail by Client Report
- Payment Detail by Client Report (DI)
- Payment Detail Report by Bed Days
- Payment Detail Report by Bed Days (DI)
- Payment Tracking Report
- PRC/CEC Batch Report
- PRC Payment Status Report Submitted Versus Paid
- Ready Pay Contract Reconciliation Report
- Service Delivery Report
- Service Delivery Report (DI)
- System Configuration and Reference – Activity Details
- System Configuration and Reference – Contracts Details
- System Configuration and Reference – Credentials
- System Configuration and Reference – Reference Tables
- System Configuration and Reference – Remittance Reconciliation Report
- Vendor Worksheet for Program Budget Amendment
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) job aids provide guidance on how to read and reconcile HIPAA Claims Files in EIM.
- HIPAA Claims Status Report Job Aid
- Reconciling HIPAA 277 File
- HIPAA - Version 5010 Transactions in EIM/ESM
Information and instructions about EIM/ESM's implementation of the 5010 standards.