• This page, Supported Living Program, is   offered by
  • MassAbility

Supported Living Program

If you have a severe, physical disability or disabilities, our Supported Living Program can support your independence.

Our Supported Living Program provide ongoing services for adults to live independently in the community. The program is designed to support people living with a severe physical disability or disabilities in combination with a secondary disability.

MassAbility contracts with agencies statewide to provide case coordination. Participants choose the agency they want to work with based on availability in their area. The case coordinator meets with the participant at their home, centered on their jointly developed supported living service plan. Services vary according to the participant’s need but average twenty to forty hours of case coordination per month.

To apply for services please reach out to MassAbility Connect.

What the Supported Living (SL) Program can assist with?

Case Coordinators can assist with the following:

  • identify and apply for accessible and affordable housing,
  • locate and identify assistive technologies and durable medical equipment,
  • coaching to help manage your financial, transportation, and self-advocacy needs,
  • working with you to manage your Personal Care Attendants (PCAs) through the MassHealth PCA Program,
  • help locate recreational and social activities, and
  • connect you to educational and career services. 

Am I eligible?

You may be eligible for the Supported Living (SL) Program if you:

  • are over the age of 17,
  • have a severe physical disability or disabilities,
  • have a secondary disability that interferes with your daily functioning, 
  • are a Massachusetts resident,
  • are your own legal guardian, 
  • demonstrate the ability to make informed adult decisions, and
  • must not be eligible for services through MassAbility's Home and Community Life Division’s ongoing programs or for any services that meet a similar need for support provided by any other Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) agency, state or federal funding source. Eligibility for the MFP Demo is excluded as it’s time limited.  

*There is no financial or immigration status requirement to receive services.

Have questions about these programs?


MassAbility Connect
600 Washington Street, Second floor, Boston, MA 02111


Attention MassAbility Connect 617-727-1354
Enroll in our supported living program and work toward creating your most independent life today.

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