Tunnel Safety

Ongoing Steps Ensuring Safety of the Tunnel System

The MassDOT Highway Division conducts regular inspections of the tunnel system. Through inspections, maintenance and real-time oversight, the tunnel system remains safe. The Highway Operations Center (HOC) in South Boston is MassDOT's 24/7/365 traffic management center. The mission of the Highway Operations Center is to provide a reliable and sustained means of monitoring state roadways and facilities, ensuring workplace and public safety on a 24 hour basis. Refer to the additional resource “Tunnel Emergency Awareness” brochure below for more information on what to do if there’s an incident in the tunnel.

MassDOT conducts and reports inspections in accordance with the National Tunnel Inspection Standards (NTIS) and goes beyond this requirement through its own directives. Refer to the additional resource “Tunnel Inspection Handbook” below for more information.

What you need to know

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