
Audit  Audit of the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority

This audit of the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority examines the maintenance of its fleet vehicles, the use of non-revenue-producing vehicles, and reporting of financial information. The audit examined the period of July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017.

Organization: Office of the State Auditor
Date published: January 30, 2019

Executive Summary

In accordance with Section 12 of Chapter 11 of the Massachusetts General Laws, the Office of the State Auditor has conducted a performance audit of the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017. In this performance audit, we assessed certain aspects of PVTA’s preventive maintenance activities related to its fleet of vehicles, including equipment and vehicles for transporting passengers with disabilities under the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. We also examined PVTA’s use of its non-revenue-producing vehicles, as well as its compliance with the General Laws regarding providing its financial records to the Secretary of Administration and Finance for public disclosure.

Below is a summary of our findings and recommendations, with links to each page listed.

Finding 1

PVTA did not submit required financial information to the Commonwealth to be made available to the public on a searchable website.


  1. PVTA should develop formal policies and procedures for submitting this required information to the Executive Office for Administration and Finance.
  2. PVTA should establish monitoring controls to ensure that the staff members assigned to this task adhere to these policies and procedures.

Finding 2

PVTA did not properly document the use of its non-revenue-producing vehicles by its employees and vendors.


  1. PVTA should establish policies and procedures, consistent with those established by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, for its non-revenue-producing vehicles that require a log that documents the following:
    a. the name and driver’s license expiration date of the employee who used the vehicle
    b. the trip’s intended destination and purpose
    c. the date and time the vehicle was picked up
    d. the date and time the vehicle was returned
    e. the vehicle’s license plate number
    f. the vehicle description
    g. the beginning odometer reading
    h.  the condition of the vehicle before and after use
    i. any damage
    any maintenance issues identified during use
  2. PVTA should ensure that these policies and procedures include monitoring controls to ensure that they are adhered to.

Finding 3

PVTA’s administration of its inventory of vehicle parts was deficient.


  1. PVTA should establish policies and procedures regarding the administration of its vehicle parts inventory and require First Transit Inc. to adhere to them.
  2. PVTA should establish monitoring controls to ensure that First Transit Inc. complies with all the terms and conditions of its contract regarding the administration of vehicle parts and with PVTA’s policies and procedures in this area.

A PDF copy of the audit of the Pioneer Valley Transit Authority is available here.





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