Early Intervention Dispute Resolution

Do you have a concern, complaint, or disagreement about how your Early Intervention (EI) program is providing services? You may be able to file a formal complaint, request mediation, or request a due process hearing.

Parents have options if they have concerns about their child’s Early Intervention services. Talking with your service coordinator or program directly can often help make your Early Intervention experience better.

Parents may file a formal complaint if they believe the program has violated a requirement of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or the Massachusetts Early Intervention Operational Standards. If a parent disagrees about the services their child is receiving from the EI program, they may request mediation or a due process hearing.

Contact Information


250 Washington St., 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02108


For business inquiries


Emily White, PhD, BCBA-D, LABA, Director, Early Intervention Division Email Early Intervention Division at

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