- This page, Merit Rating Board - Preliminary Screening Committee Meeting 10/14/22 , is offered by
- Massachusetts Department of Transportation
- Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles
Public Meeting Notice Merit Rating Board - Preliminary Screening Committee Meeting 10/14/22
Overview of Merit Rating Board - Preliminary Screening Committee Meeting 10/14/22
Meeting of the Merit Rating Board Preliminary Screening Committee.
Meeting agendas and reports.
You will need for Merit Rating Board - Preliminary Screening Committee Meeting 10/14/22
NOTE REGARDING PUBLIC COMMENT: In order to protect the health and safety of the public and the employees of MassDOT and the MBTA during this public health emergency, public comment will be taken in writing only for the Preliminary Screening Committee of the Merit Rating Board meeting. For written comments received by mail or email at least 90 minutes before the start of the meeting, the commenters name and affiliation read aloud by Board Counsel or the Chair, along with the subject line of the email/comment. Mailed and emailed comments will be compiled and distributed to all Board Members in advance of the meeting. Comments may be submitted by email to publiccomment@dot.state.ma.us or by mail to:
Preliminary Screening Committee of the Merit Rating Board
C/O Kimberly McDonald, Esq.
10 Park Plaza - Suite 3510
Boston, MA 02116
I. Action Items
A. Call to Order
B. Approval of minutes from the meeting of September 29, 2022
C. Review and approval of interview questions