- This page, Public Hearing - Stretch Code update (Metro & Northeast), is offered by
- Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources
- Energy Efficiency Division
- Green Communities Division
Public Hearing Notice Public Hearing - Stretch Code update (Metro & Northeast)
Contact for Public Hearing - Stretch Code update (Metro & Northeast)
DOER Stretch Energy Code Contact
Overview of Public Hearing - Stretch Code update (Metro & Northeast)
DOER will hold five virtual public hearings to receive comment on its Straw Proposal for Stretch Code update and New Specialized Stretch Code released on February 8th. The following information can be reviewed in advance of the hearings at DOER's Stretch Code Development webpage:
Recording of February 8 Webinar
Summary of stretch code analysis informing straw proposal
DOER will provide a brief presentation to respond to clarifying questions received in advance of the public hearing, however the majority of the time is reserved to hear public comments. People choosing to speak will be given up to 3 minutes to present their comments.
Interpretation services will be provided at all hearings in Arabic, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
You will need for Public Hearing - Stretch Code update (Metro & Northeast)
To submit questions or to sign up to give public comment at a hearing please send an email to stretchcode@mass.gov with the title ‘Comment for Public Hearing’ and include your name, organizational affiliation and municipality where you work or reside, as applicable. There will be four regional hearings and one additional hearing dedicated for Environmental Justice communities statewide. At each regional hearing comments and questions from participants from communities in the designated region will be prioritized. Visit the Green Communities webpage to find out which region your community is in.