- Posted: February 2, 2023 3:52 p.m.
- Last Updated: June 6, 2023 4 p.m.
- This page, SRC Business and Employment Opportunities Committee June , is offered by
- Massachusetts State Rehabilitation Council
Public Meeting Notice
Public Meeting Notice SRC Business and Employment Opportunities Committee June
Overview of SRC Business and Employment Opportunities Committee June
SRC Business and Employment Opportunity (BEO) Committee
6-8-23 Agenda Remote meeting by zoom : https://massrehabcommission.zoom.us/j/93913753535?pwd=NlVSZHp0UnJJOUhWdjYxdHBJQWlvQT09
- Introductions and announcements (as needed)
- Agenda time of 2 hr is a max time. For the June meeting we have 60 minutes slated
- Approve April 2023 minutes
- State Plan Recommendations made by BEO:
NOTE: BEO and the SRC have made the following recommendations – These have not yet been responded to, not accepted by MRC as State Plan goals.
- MRC will work with the SRC to develop practical strategies for sharing work incentives information with the business community/employers
DISCUSS: Where are some sources of support, and/or partnership to MRC/SRC for compiling business-relevant benefits counseling information?
- MRC will work with the BEO Committee of the SRC to analyze results of MRC Consumer, Employer, and Provider survey data to better align SRC Recommendations to relevant findings
- MRC will make additional resources available for consumers with self-employment goals by developing an RFR to expand the pool of available business consultants
- MRC will collaborate with SRC to identify, recruit, and engage more MRC Consumers and stakeholders from specific backgrounds, groups, and organizations required by federal regulations, including Un-served/Under-served communities, individuals with disabilities, and businesses.
Next BEO meeting August 10th at 1:00 PM