- This page, SRC February State Plan Committee, is offered by
- MassAbility
Agenda for SRC February State Plan Committee
State Plan Committee 2/9/22 at 11 am:
Overview of the Agenda:
Review any issues regarding the FY22 Recommendations
Discuss the status of the SRC FY2022 Recommendation Work Plan
Review the Schedule and Tasks for State Plan and Annual Reports- Note WIOA public hearings
Discuss developing a Standard Operating Process for creating SRC Recommendations in the future
Review related SRC DEI activities
Additional Resources
Open PDF file, 78.98 KB,
SRC State Plan meeting notes for October 13, 2021, Draft
(English, PDF 78.98 KB)
Open PDF file, 59.89 KB,
SRC Draft- Schedule for State Plan and Annual Reports
(English, PDF 59.89 KB)