- This page, SRC Full September meeting, is offered by
- Massachusetts State Rehabilitation Council
SRC Full September meeting
Overview of SRC Full September meeting
Full meeting begins at 5pm. Room will open at 4:45pm.
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Meeting ID: 499 777 0172
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Quarterly Meeting
Thursday, September 15, 2022 ‖ 5:00-7:00pm EST
Virtual via Zoom: https://massrehabcommission.zoom.us/j/4997770172
SRC Vision and Mission
Vision: Ensuring that all individuals with disabilities are supported to live their best lives, through consumer-driven, meaningful, competitive, and integrated employment and sustainable careers.
Mission: The Massachusetts State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) is a diverse, inclusive, and equitable advisory body that is committed to promoting competitive and sustainable employment for all people with disabilities, including those marginalized by inequalities.
Presenter |
Time |
Inez Canada Volunteer |
5:00-5:10pm |
Inez Canada |
5:10-5:15pm |
Inez Canada |
5:15-5:30pm |
Joe Bellil, Inez Canada, Ronaldo Fujii, Naomi Goldberg, Steve LaMaster, Doug Mason Ronaldo Fujii, Kevin Goodwin Commissioner Toni Wolf; Kate Biebel, Deputy Commissioner; Amanda Baczko, Director, Office of Individual and Family Engagement |
5:30-5:50pm 5:50-6:05pm 6:05-6:45pm |
6:45-7:00pm |
Next Meeting Date: December 15, 2022 5pm-7pm Virtual |