- Posted: December 7, 2020 11:05 a.m.
- Last Updated: December 7, 2020 11:16 a.m.
- This page, SRC State Plan December meeting, is offered by
- MassAbility
Public Meeting Notice SRC State Plan December meeting
Contact for SRC State Plan December meeting
Massachusetts State Rehabilitation Council
Overview of SRC State Plan December meeting
Virtual Meeting
Topic: SRC State Plan Committee
Time: Dec 17, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 999 6762 2543
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Meeting ID: 999 6762 2543
1. Call to Order/Introductions
2. Approval of Meeting Notes
3. Old Business
Review the status of the State Rehabilitation Council’s Revised Recommendations for Fiscal Year 2021 MRC Responses – 11-5-20
Discuss creating a SRC FY2021 Recommendation Work Plan
Review the Schedule for State Plan and Annual Reports
4. New Business
5. Other
6. Adjournment