- Posted: February 6, 2019 1:12 p.m.
- Last Updated: December 6, 2019 10:24 a.m.
- This page, Statewide Comprehensive Needs/Consumer Satisfaction Committee December Meeting, is offered by
- MassAbility
- Massachusetts State Rehabilitation Council
Public Meeting Notice Statewide Comprehensive Needs/Consumer Satisfaction Committee December Meeting
Contact for Statewide Comprehensive Needs/Consumer Satisfaction Committee December Meeting
Massachusetts State Rehabilitation Council
Overview of Statewide Comprehensive Needs/Consumer Satisfaction Committee December Meeting
This meeting is open to all members of the State Rehabilitation Council and the general public.
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Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment/Consumer Satisfaction Committee
600 Washington Street Boston MA 02111
December 11, 2019 1 PM – 3:30 PM
1. Call to Order/Introductions Rich Colantonio
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes Rich Colantonio
-Review and Acceptance of Minutes from September 12th meeting
3. Old Business Rich C./Graham P.
- FY2019 Needs Assessment Report Final Draft
- Braintree Focus Group Update
- Needs Assessment Workplan Update
4. New Business Rich C./Graham P./ Lola. A
- Consumer Satisfaction Survey Report Update
- FY2020 Needs Assessment Update
- SRC 2020 Recommendations Assigned to Needs Assessment/Satisfaction Committee & MRC Responses
- Establishment of next steps
5. Other Rich Colantonio
6. Adjournment Rich Colantonio
Next meeting date: March 12, 2020