Fertilizer or Lime Registration

The Fertilizer Program regulates the manufacturing, distribution, and sale of fertilizers, liming products, and soil conditioners in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

A valid Massachusetts product registration and/or license is required to manufacture, sell or distribute any type of fertilizer, soil conditioner, or liming material in the Commonwealth. All applications related to licensure and registration must now be submitted and managed through our online system known as the ePLACE Portal. All Firms are required to register or renew by the last day of February Annually. Failure to renew on time will result in a late fee of $25 per product on renewals and will be required no later than April First. All Registrations and licenses expire on the thirty-first day of December each year.

Agricultural Use Fertilizer and Soil Conditioners

Manufacturers and distributers of products that are exclusively limited to Agricultural/Farm use would need to apply for the annual License to Manufacture and Distribute. The application fee for this license is $250 per year. This is an umbrella license that covers all Farm/AG use only products, these do not need to be registered individually. All Ag-use only products must be listed on the license application. Labels and/or product information sheets must be submitted for review at the time of the initial application or to add new product to an active license. Examples of Ag use only products include those sold for crops, orchards, floriculture, production greenhouses and nurseries, turf farms, etc. 

Specialty Fertilizer and Soil Conditioners

All Fertilizer and Soil conditioners that are distributed in Massachusetts and are not exclusively limited to Farm/Agricultural applications are considered a “Specialty” product and must be registered individually at $100 per product and renewed annually. Labels and/or product information sheets must be submitted for review at the time of registration. Examples of specialty fertilizer/soil conditioner would be products distributed primarily for nonfarm use, such as golf courses, lawns, home gardens, landscape, houseplants, shrubbery, flowers, municipal parks, cemeteries, retail greenhouses and nurseries.

Liming Materials

Any of the various forms of lime intended for fertilizing purposes or neutralizing acidity that is manufactured and/or distributed in Massachusetts is required to be registered individually at $100 per product and renewed annually. Labels and/or product information sheets must be submitted for review at the time of registration.

Mandatory Tonnage Reporting

A Tonnage report is required to be submitted twice a year on or before January first and July first, setting forth the number of net tons of each grade of fertilizer, registered soil conditioner, and liming material distributed or sold in the commonwealth during the preceding six months. The last licensee or registrant in possession before distribution to a non-licensee or to a non-registrant shall be responsible for reporting the tonnage and paying the inspection fee, unless the report and payment has been made by a prior distributor. There is a fee of $0.15 per ton, with a minimum fee of $5.

What would you like to do?

Deven Chiasson, Fertilizer Control Official  (617) 913-3023, Deven.Chiasson@mass.gov

For technical assistance only regarding your online account, please contact the ePLACE help desk at (844) 733-7522 or at ePLACE_helpdesk@mass.gov

Open M-F 7:30 am-5:00 pm, with the exception of all Commonwealth & Federally observed holidays.

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