All on-line applications and required supporting documents must be submitted electronically. The on-line application must be completely filled out and include all supporting documentation. Original copies must be submitted for all pages that require signatures. Electronic signatures (e.g., faxes or simulated) are not accepted. A hard copy of the signature pages must be mailed or delivered to DOER. Except in the case of Aggregations, a separate SQA must be submitted for each independent project.
The web-based application can be accessed by using the link below. All first-time applicants must first establish a user account by clicking on the “Register” link (NOTE: On February 6, 2014, a new version of the web-based application replaced the original version that existed from 2010-2013.
CHP and Flywheel Storage Statement of Qualification Application
Potential CHP applicants are strongly encouraged to review the Statement of Qualification (SQA) package (forms and instructions, guidelines, data sheets, and CHP worksheets) well in advance of detailed design and procurement, to ensure that approved metering technology is well understood and included in both the project design and budget. The Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard (APS) application is web-based. You must register by creating a username and password and then fill out the application online. Once you have registered you will be able to save and log out of the application. For ease of viewing you can download a PDF version of the APS application in its entirety. However, you MUST complete and submit the web-based version only. Note that the PDF-formatted SQA includes all possible sections and appendices for the SQA, including many that will not pertain to your type of facility.
This is a “for information” copy of the form used by the DOER for the review of SQAs Submitted for New ( as opposed to Incremental) CHP projects. It is provided to indicate the scope of information required to be submitted in order to allow for a completed review.