Apply to the APS: CHP, Flywheel Storage, and Fuel Cells

Anyone entity who wishes to qualify a Combined Heat and Power (CHP), Flywheel Storage, or Fuel Cell Generation Unit under the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard (APS) program must apply for a Statement of Qualification. This page includes directions for applying for the APS SQA.

Table of Contents

CHP and Flywheel Storage Statement of Qualification Application

All on-line applications and required supporting documents must be submitted electronically. The on-line  application must be completely filled out and include all supporting documentation. Original copies must be submitted for all pages that require signatures. Electronic signatures (e.g., faxes or simulated) are not accepted. A hard copy of the signature pages must be mailed or delivered to DOER. Except in the case of Aggregations, a separate SQA must be submitted for each independent project.

The web-based application can be accessed by using the link below. All first-time applicants must first establish a user account by clicking on the “Register” link (NOTE: On February 6, 2014, a new version of the web-based application replaced the original version that existed from 2010-2013.

CHP and Flywheel Storage Statement of Qualification Application

Potential CHP applicants are strongly encouraged to review the Statement of Qualification (SQA) package (forms and instructions, guidelines, data sheets, and CHP worksheets) well in advance of detailed design and procurement, to ensure that approved metering technology is well understood and included in both the project design and budget. The Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard (APS) application is web-based. You must register by creating a username and password and then fill out the application online. Once you have registered you will be able to save and log out of the application. For ease of viewing you can download a PDF version of the APS application in its entirety. However, you MUST complete and submit the web-based version only. Note that the PDF-formatted SQA includes all possible sections and appendices for the SQA, including many that will not pertain to your type of facility.

Example CHP SQA

This is a “for information”  copy of the form used by the DOER for the review of SQAs Submitted for New ( as opposed to Incremental) CHP projects. It is provided to indicate the scope of information required to be submitted in order to allow for a completed review.

DOER CHP SQA Review Form

CHP SQA Guidelines and Additional Files

The following document includes an Explanation and Assumptions for Certificate Calculation, including:

  1. Guidelines on applications of the AEC formula
  2. Approved CHP system meters
  3. List of other documents that must be submitted with the Application

CHP Guidelines

In addition to the web-based application, all applicants for Combined Heat & Power (CHP) under the APS must submit the following documents:

Excel based worksheets

Completed CHP

  • DS#1: Genset(s) (prime mover and generator)
  • DS#2: CHP Heat Recovery System(s)
  • DS#3: APS Meters for CHP Systems
  • DS#4: Generator and Electrical Distribution System(s)

Completed APS SQA CHP Worksheets

  • Sheets 1 & 2: Thermal Loads Used as Basis of Design
  • Sheet 3: Total Electrical Usage for All Electrical Loads to Be Served by the CHP System
  • Sheet 4: Projected Baseline CHP Average Annual System Performance

Other Documents

  • System APS Meters - Manufacturer's Specifications and Technical Data Sheets
  • General Site Plan Showing Existing and Proposed Structures & Utilities & Property Lines (only if the mechanical tie-in with the existing system occurs at more than one building)
  • Equipment Arrangement Plan (Mechanical & Electrical) Including Points of Connection with Existing Equipment and/or Distribution Systems

System Process Flow Diagram (PFD) Showing Each Major Operating Mode, Including:

  • Location of all APS required meters
  • Major Equipment and Piping and Instruments
  • All Thermal Dumping Sub-Systems, i.e. sub-systems which reject CHP thermal output to a non-useful load sink (e.g. engine overheat protection radiator cooling loops)
  • Applicable Process Values (e.g. kW, Temperature. Pressure, Enthalpy (BTU/lb), mass flow rate (lb/min or lb/hr) at Inlets and Outlets of all major equipment and at each main Points of Connection with Existing Systems.
  • One-line Electrical Distribution and Interconnection Diagram

Massachusetts APSI October 5, 2009, edition Page 5 of 23

  • System Controls: Description, Including a Narrative of the sequence of controls for each of the system principal operating modes.

CHP Estimated Annual AECs & Net Source GHG Reduction

For applicable CHP systems, the estimating tool can be used during the development of the CHP project to estimate its projected annual generation of Alternate Energy Certificates and the associated estimated reduction in net source GHG emitted. However, for the purposes of the SQA, the projected AECs must be the product of the completed APS SQA CHP Worksheets.

APS AECs & GHG Reduction Estimator

CHP and Flywheel Storage Aggregations

To add a Generation Unit to an already approved aggregation, applicants will also need to submit the following:

  • APS CHP Aggregation System Information Spreadsheet (excel)
  • Technical Information Data Sheets - Combine the information for any of the aggregated system sharing common components and nameplate data in a single set of Information Data Sheets. Submit as sets of Data Sheets as needed to include all of the different components and nameplate characteristics. Be sure to list the names of the individual systems in the "system name" field at the top of the Data Sheets.
  • CHP Worksheets - For both the initial submittal and the submittal of any subsequent additions to the aggregation: For aggregated systems for which the projected annual AECs do not differ from each other by 5% or more, submit a single set of CHP worksheets. Submit separate CHP Worksheets for each system or group of system for which the projected annual AECs differ from the rest by more than 5%.

For incremental systems as defined in 225 CMR 16.00 Sections 16.02 (Definitions) and 16.05 paragraph 2 b ii (Combined Heat and Power, Determination of APS Alternative Energy Attributes), the applicant should refer to the "APS Guidelines for CHP Systems" and consult directly with the DOER regarding which terms in the general formula for the incremental case should be included as applied to the specific incremental case.

Fuel Cell Statement of Qualification Application

All fuel cells must:

  • Be at least as efficient as the current average for emitting locational marginal units, as based on the heat rates for these units shown in the most recent ISO-NE Electric Generator Air Emissions report available at the time the fuel cell submits its application.

If the Fuel Cell generates both electricity and useful thermal energy, than the fuel cell must have an overall efficiency of 55% on an annual basis.

  • If a fuel cell uses propane to generate hydrogen, it must certify that the propane was generated using natural gas only.
  • Cannot have a Commercial Operation Date earlier than January 1, 2017.
  • Must be interconnected to the grid in Massachusetts, or, if the unit is off-grid, it must be located in Massachusetts. 

All fuel cell units are required to submit the following in their Statement of Qualification Application:

  • Site and facility information
    • Site plan (attachment)
  • Contact information
  • Equipment specifications
    • Equipment arrangement drawing (attachment)
    • Annotated product literature for all major equipment (attachment)
  • Design Specifications
    • Description of System Controls and Sequence of Operations (attachment)
    • A process flow diagram (attachment)
    • A one line electrical diagram (attachment)
  • NEPOOL GIS information
  • AEC Service Agreement (not required, attachment)
  • APS Performance Workbook (attachment)
  • Independent Verifier request form (attachment)
  • A metering plan including a list of meters (attachment)
    • Annotated product literature for each APS meter (attachment)
    • Annotated product literature for the Data Acquisition System (DAS) (attachment)
  • Certified Performance Data Construct (intermediate Generation Units only) (attachment)

Pursuant to 225 CMR 16.05(1)(a)(7)(c), a  fuel cell generation unit shall earn one and a half Alternative Energy Certificates (AECs) for each MWh of electricity and/or 3,412,000 British thermal units of net Useful Thermal Energy generated.  

Fuel cell generation shall be metered according to the specifications in the Department’s Guideline on Metering and Calculating the Energy Output of Eligible Fuel Cell Generation Units and verified by an independent Third Party Meter Reader, as defined in Rule 2.5(j) of the NEPOOL GIS Operating Rules and approved by the Department.  The guideline can be accessed here. 

Independent Verifier

An Independent Verifier must be selected for Generation Units whose output Is NOT monitored and reported to the NEPOOL GIS by ISO-NE, including all aggregations and other behind-the-meter units per 225 CMR 14.05(1)(c). The duty of the Independent Verifier is to access/read the electricity output meter of the unit, assure itself that the reading is reasonable, and accurately report the generation of the unit to the NEPOOL GIS on a quarterly basis. Such reporting is done via the Verifier's own account at the GIS. A list of Massachusetts RPS/APS Qualified Independent Verifiers is provided below; however, you are not required to select a Verifier from the list. Whether the Verifier is listed or not, you must submit a “Request for Approval of an Independent Verifier” form which can be downloaded from the link below.  After receiving DOER approval of the proposed Verifier if he or she is not already registered at the GIS, the Verifier must register via the GIS homepage (; such registration can be completed only when DOER informs the GIS it has approved the Verifier.

RPS/APS Qualified Independent Verifiers

IV Request Form 

DOER Review and Approval

Once DOER receives a Statement of Qualification Application, staff members review it for completeness, accuracy, appropriate signatures, and certification.

DOER will email each applicant that submits a complete and accurate application to confirm its receipt. DOER strives to notify applicants of their qualification within 30 days of receipt of their applications: Statements of Qualification will be mailed.

Applications that are incomplete, inaccurate, or include ineligible projects, will not be reviewed further until the open issues have been completely rectified to DOER's satisfaction. DOER will notify the applicant, within 30 days of receipt of an incomplete, ineligible, or inaccurate application. The submission of an incomplete application will result in significant delays.

DOER reserves the right to inspect sites and/or request additional technical information prior to approving or denying applications.

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