Consumer Guide to State Police Towing

Here we've compiled useful information related to towing services ordered by the Massachusetts State Police, such as maximum charges for passenger and commercial vehicles, how to submit feedback for services provided, and more. Please note that this information only pertains to towing services ordered or authorized by the Massachusetts State Police.

Table of Contents


To ensure consumers are receiving quality services from our partnered tow service providers, we've established several points of contact to submit feedback.

Maximum charges

These charges pertain to services for light duty passenger vehicles under 10,000 pounds GVWR.

Charges not listed below must be detailed, in writing, by the tow service provider. 

Massachusetts State Police ordered tow (includes 5 miles of travel and 1 hour of service/waiting time) $132.00
Additional service vehicles, per vehicle $132.00
Service/waiting time in excess of 1 hour (billed in 1/2 hour increments) $51.00
Additional labor (per hour) $46.00
Mileage charge (over 5 miles, billed per mile) $4.40
Toll charges Actual cost
One-time-use supplies Actual cost +15%
Storage fees (billed in 24 hour increments) $35.00
Fuel price surcharge (computed using formula based on average price of fuel, set monthly by Transportation Oversight Division) Varies

Note: These apply only to the involuntary portion of services rendered. If the consumer opts to enter into an agreement with the provider for additional services, the provider's rates shall then apply.

Additional Resources   for Maximum charges

Maximum charges for heavy duty

This includes commercial vehicle towing, recovery and service, GVWR greater than 10,000 pounds and or HAZMAT incidents.

Massachusetts State Police ordered tow (includes 5 miles of travel and 1 hour of service/waiting time) $132.00
Mileage charge (over 5 miles, billed per mile) $6.60
Toll charges  Actual cost
One-time-use supplies Actual cost +15%
Fuel price surcharge (computed using formula based on average price of fuel, set monthly by Transportation Oversight Division) Varies

If extra equipment is utilized, the tow service provider is contractually bound to a maximum hourly rate charge, which will be dependent upon the type of equipment used.

Furthermore, the tow service provider may have contracted a rate lower than the maximum rate, which must be honored through the life of the contract. These rates must be clearly posted within the tow service provider's facilities and provided to you.

Setting of maximum towing charges

Massachusetts State Police is able to set the maximum charges that partnered tow service providers can charge when conducting services on behalf of the Massachusetts State Police. This includes scenarios such as a tow ordered by an officer or other public authorities. Local authorities may establish their own maximum rate that can be charged within their jurisdictions for tow services.

Additional Resources   for Setting of maximum towing charges

Maximum storage charges

The maximum storage charge for a non-commercial passenger vehicle (defined as a capacity of 9 persons maximum) shall be $35 per 24 hour period when said vehicle has been:

  • Involuntarily towed or transported by order of police or other public authority
  • In an accident on a public way and ordered removed
  • Stolen or misappropriated and ordered removed from a public way by police or other public authority
  • In any other situation where a motor vehicle has been involuntarily towed or transported by order of police or other public authority and maximum storage charges are not specifically regulated by law

This maximum rate only applies to lighted outdoor storage facilities enclosed by a secure fence or other secure barrier at least 6 feet in height. Other outdoor storage facilities shall be entitled to a maximum storage rate of only 1/2 of that established above.

Tow service provider posting requirements

Tow service providers are to clearly post a reference to 220 CMR 272 as well as the maximum rates, charges, and fees associated with the involuntarily police-ordered towing and recovery of vehicles. Additionally, tow service providers must clearly post the Massachusetts State Police contact information for filing a towing response report. 

A written copy of both the towing rates and the Massachusetts State Police contact information must be provided to consumers immediately with the settling of all outstanding charges, before entering into any private agreements for services, or at any time upon request.

Additional Resources   for Tow service provider posting requirements


A motor vehicle storage facility must have a lien for its proper transportation and storage charges due them for the towing, transportation and storage of motor vehicles. This lien may be enforced. Nothing contained here will in any way affect the liability of said motor vehicle storage facilities, nor to limit the maximum recovery of a carrier for his lawful removal and transportation charges as established by the Massachusetts State Police and storage charges as established by this section to the value of any vehicle involuntarily removed, transported and stored.

Frequently asked questions for consumers

We've compiled a series of frequently asked questions on towing by consumers that cover a range of scenarios and other events that may occur to those that experience involuntary towing.

Key Actions   for Frequently asked questions for consumers

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