Continuing Education is a requirement for maintaining a Massachusetts timber harvester license. After 3 years of continuous licensure, a license applicant must show proof of nine (9) credits of continuing education of which three (3) of those credits must be focused on the Ch. 132 Forest Cutting Practices Act regulations. The remaining six (6) credits may be from various educational resources. Please refer to the THL continuing education policy or send email inquiries to
DCR Service Forestry provides training that focuses on the Ch. 132 Forest Cutting Practices Act regulations by offering in-person workshops and is now starting to offer online video tutorials. See links below for more details:
In-Person Workshops
Pre-registration is required for all workshops. All workshops are approved for 3 CEUs towards the Massachusetts Timber Harvester License. All attendees are responsible for maintenance of their own records.
Join DCR foresters at this walk and talk field series where they will discuss current forest health concerns in Massachusetts.
Online Continuing Education
- The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), in partnership with Mass Audubon and the New England Forestry Foundation has created a Timber Harvester Online Best Management Practices and Climate Smart THL Trainings: Register Here
Please note, you must have a unique email address to register for this course. One email cannot be used for more than one account. For instructions on how to create an email address Click Here. This training is compatible with computers or tablets and cannot be accessed using cellphones.
For help on how to use this online training, you can watch this short tutorial