Per the Code of Massachusetts Regulations (321 CMR 9.01), you can possess, propagate, maintain, import, buy, sell, and dispose of the animals and animal groups listed on this page without a MassWildlife permit or license.
In some instances, you may need to comply with local or state laws regarding dog licenses (M.G.L. Ch. 140 S. 137), municipal agriculture or zoning laws, or with requirements of the Massachusetts Department of Food & Agriculture pertaining to companion pets, livestock, and farm animals.
Domestic Birds |
Domestic Mammals |
- Domestic geese, ducks, and muscovy
- Mallards1
- Common Coturnix (Coturnix Quail)
- Domestic Chicken
- (Blue) Peafowl
- Domestic Guineafowl
- Domestic Turkey2
- Common Pigeon (Rock Dove)
- Emu
- Rhea
- Ostrich
- Domestic Dog3
- Mink4
- Domestic ferrets5
- Domestic Cat3
- Domestic Horse
- Domestic Swine6
- Llama
- Alpaca
- Dromedary Camel
- Domestic Water Buffalo (Carabao)
- Domestic Cow
- Domestic Yak
- Zebu Cattle
- American Bison
- Domestic Goat and Sheep
- Domestic (Golden) Hampster
- Guinea Pig
- Mongolian Gerbil
- Domestic rabbit7
- Domestic ass8
1Mallards must be captive-reared, acquired, and properly marked in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations
2Including breeds and varieties derived from Wild Turkey, but not including captive or captive-bred Wild Turkey or pen-raised or game-farm Wild Turkey.
3Wolf-dog hybrids or other hybrids between domestic dogs and any wild canine species or any feline animal which is a hybrid between a domestic cat and any wild feline species, are not domestic animals. You cannot maintain, propagate, import, buy, sell, or otherwise possess hybrids in Massachusetts (M.G.L. Ch. 131 S. 77A). Certain recognized breeds of show or pet cats, which are known to be or reputed to be of hybrid origin, are considered to be domestic and may be lawfully possessed. The Savannah Cat is considered a domestic breed only if it can be documented to be generations (F4) past the original mating with an African Serval.
4Mink must be propagated in captivity for 2 or more generations (M.G.L. Ch. 128 S. 8B).
5Domestic ferrets must be surgically neutered or spayed and rendered incapable of breeding (M.G.L. Ch. 131 S. 77).
6Does not include captive European Wild Hog or free-living wild pigs or swine.
7Does not include San Juan Rabbits.
8Includes mules, burros, and donkeys.